Blog Comments

  1. melev's Avatar
    No, this time should be better since I didn't book it. I leave in a few minutes. 195 miles away.
  2. NightShade's Avatar
    Good, hopefully no rough motels like last time. . .

    Bringing up 200 copies of Reef Hobbyist Magazine with me to give out.
  3. melev's Avatar
    I'll see you there. Several of us from DFWMAS are making the trip tonight.
  4. NightShade's Avatar
    AT&T and a lot of others still have the "Navigator" app but if you go to you can download the google map application which is really good and does not cost you except the data transfer and generally is included with your phone plan. I am grandfathered in to the AT&T unlimited plan so transfer doesn't bother me a bit
  5. clstreak's Avatar
    I guess they finnaly made it free when i had my blackberry curve the onboard app when you clicked it automatically charged you $9.99 a month which i thought should have been for free it just discusted me for the price of the phone and extra i paid for smartphone service then they wanted 10 more dollers for that too.. I felt i was being robbed for and extra feture that was already there and didnot really cost them anthing but bit of data that you already paid for.. Since the phone already knew where it was at, at all times anyhow.
  6. NightShade's Avatar
    Nope, I can get my location within 3 meters once the full gps comes online, it may take a min or so but will give pretty good directions to get around. And since you have a phone on you anyway you don't have to worry about carrying an extra device around say when you go to downtown for a convention and want to find someplace to eat (did that and helped a few other people during CRASE) and don't know exactly what is nearby. I do not pay for anything extra with my phone after the internet service is paid for. I have an app called "endomondo" to keep track of how far/fast/long I go when I go out for a walk to drop a few pounds, cost free. Google maps, Free. Foursquare, Free. Weather plus, Free. DropBox, Free for up to 2gb of data stored. Itookthisonmyphone, Free.

    LOL, I have a stock reader that is about 20 mins behind the market which is free too. I hate paying a monthly service fee and will sit on my hands before paying for an application to wait and see if I can find it for free or wait until someone does make something similar for free. My phone's address book is backed up to google all the data is backed up weekly, including address book calendar pics, etc for free. I could go out and have my phone get ran over by a MAC truck and go pay the 50.00 deductible on my phone and be up and running where I was within an hour or so. Call me cheap or. . . Frugal but why pay for something I can get by just looking around a little more.
  7. clstreak's Avatar
    I have seen those but there not true gps are they? i thought they used the cell towers only to triangulate your posistion.. not and actual stalite to find your way.. I could be wrong though.. considering they have to pull up google maps too there using the internet too..
  8. Midnight's Avatar
    My phone actually has a free navigation system on it that uses google mapping and gps sats for your location.
  9. clstreak's Avatar
    I dont mind GPS on a phone i just dont belive i should have to pay for it twice ill stick to my garmin and get my free updates on my computer.. and not have to pay extra 10 bux to my phone bill just my .02 cents
  10. NightShade's Avatar
    I actually have a BlackBerry Bold 9700 got it last February after upgrading from a Curve 8310 and my wife has a Curve 8520 but I started playing with FourSquare about a week ago and since it seems that a lot of people are getting smarter and smarter phones this may be of interest.
  11. Midnight's Avatar
    so, what kind of phone did you get?
  12. melev's Avatar
    Just tell them to contact me and I'll ship them out asap.
  13. NightShade's Avatar
    Thanks for the info. I have noticed that the diameter in a lot of the filters differs from one to the next. I remember seeing some as small as 1 7/8" up to 2 3/4" as I have looked through all the filters. The bad thing is that a lot are marketed with very little info available. I just want to start compiling the information that I can find and get what I can from the manufacturers so that a wiser decision can be made especially when a local pickup is required.
  14. melev's Avatar
    Keep in mind that some filters will clog up more quickly, lowering the water pressure going across the membrane and thus reducing production rates. Not all filters are even the same size, such as some I've seen at Home Depot. Their thinner diameter means less surface area and they plug up more quickly.
  15. NightShade's Avatar
    yeah, I dabble a little bit. Just depends on what is wanted, Flash is nice but not my game I have started to use Drupal as a management system and drop my HTML in.

    One of my first sites looked like this

    The site was totally done with frontpage and over time things broke down which are not fixed in this version. And the owner wanted an application link put in great big red letters and the background looked nice at 1024x768 but now with my resolution at 1920x1200 it looks . . . off.

    I replaced the site with this, the content is really close to the same but I can change the look pretty easily and not have to remake the whole site.
  16. Hat39406's Avatar
    Ahhh ok. I tried BF but the graphics were way to busy for my eyes. I was an 80 in AA, loved that game but really hurt my eyes so I stopped playing. Do you by any chance host web-sites too?
  17. NightShade's Avatar
    Played WoW for quite a while, did a lot of major raids in Burning Crusade and then life happened and didn't get to play as often as I wanted have two level 80 Deathknights and a 75 warrior but haven't played in 6 months. My friends left the guild I played in and started playing less and now I don't play at all. I have Starcraft 2 which I played the single player campaign and do a little online. I play a little combat arms from time to time, some battlefield heroes, CounterStrike:Source a little of the original Starcraft might load up battlefield 1942 or battlefield 2 if I am in the mood. All just really depends on the mood I am in.

    Didn't care so much for AA. . . I like something that I can jump in and out of when I want and not get creamed all the time and was too busy when it came out running a BF 1942 server.
  18. Hat39406's Avatar
    Hey NightShade, what game do you play? I use to play AA. Haven't played in a few years now though.
  19. NightShade's Avatar
    I actually send a page with anything that I ship out just to try and help encourage recycling. Even if it gets trashed part of the time I know that there will be some people who take the initiative and continue the process.
  20. melev's Avatar
    I didn't know about about aluminum cans, but they too go in the bin when I have them. I don't buy sodas hardly at all any more. I drink a lot of sweet ice tea, or water. And coffee of course. Regarding reusing materials, I have a standing order on our club's site for packing peanuts. I'll take any they have since I ship a lot and prefer to use them over their heading to a landfill. I pack so many with my sumps that I wish they could send them back in a black bag. However, Fedex charges more to ship them back than what I pay for them from the store.
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