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Snorkeler's Cube

Tank: 180L (46gal) 60cm cube DT visible from all sides with central overflow column, 10cm (3in) crushed coral base, LR, 79L (20gal) sump with skimmer and refugium. DIY LED Lighting. External jerrican DIY ATO. Livestock: 2 clownfish, 1 Orchid Dottyback, 3 Green Chromis, 2 pink mithrax crabs, CC, palithoa and brown star polyp corals.

  1. Light curves of my weather simulator

    First day of vacations, not feeling well, spent most of the day either at the bathroom or sleeping.... at night I was feeling a little better, so I decided to work on the Arduino sketch, try to finalize v1.0 of it. Testing was still needed, so I proceeded with the test generating sample light curves for the various day types. By day type I mean "clear day", "cloudy day of various intensities", "thunderstorm day", each defined by an Okta number from 0 to 8.
    Tags: led
    Lighting , ‎ DIY projects
  2. Hammer splitting + Some progress on LED DIY fixture

    Two weeks ago I had the impression my hammer coral (one ployp) was getting fatter.... well, today I am pretty sure it is splitting into two polyps! That might seem "so what?" to you, but feels very rewarding to me. It is the first stony coral in the tank that not only survived in my water and lighting but is also growing (had one Acan polpy that died, three Trumpet polyps that also died and another hammer polyp that got eaten by a rogue peppermint shrimp).

    Must be a sign ...
    Tags: hammer, led
    Lighting , ‎ Propagation - fish & corals , ‎ New Additions , ‎ DIY projects