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All things sump related... changes to sump, cleanup in sump, pictures of sump

  1. September 18th: Annual Maintenance

    Time is short, so much to do and so little time.... once again I post about something I did almost a month ago. I almost skipped this one, but, blogs are about sharing experience and I think the pictures will be useful to teach people what NOT to do .

    Compĺeted my annual maintenance cleanup... and concluded annual is too long a period to do it .

    Before you see the pictures please mind that my refugium is lighted by a non direction compact fluorescent light, ...
    Algae , ‎ Sump , ‎ Lighting
  2. Found this creature during a water change... aiptasia or majano or ?

    Thursday as I was doing a quick water change I found a tentacled creature sitting on top of my first sump baffle glass.... looked like an aiptasia to me so I tried to suck it with the hose. It receded into the baffle and I lost it.

    A few minutes later I saw it drifting submersed in the water on the other side of the baffles, close to the return pumps, stout and tentacles all spread open, like a spider. This time I took it out with plastic claws (didn't want to touch it).
    Tags: aiptasia
    Pest , ‎ Sump
  3. May 15th: Got Cheato for my refugium, won a coral at a Meeting+Bingo

    On May 15th I went to a reefers meeting, something not very common in this city (Sao Paulo), where despite a population of about 18 million people, lots of reefers, and our typical Brazilian informal and friendly way of relating, there are no reef clubs and most reefers don't get together often. Go figure... must be a product of how traffic sucks big time in this city and you think twice before setting an appointment....

    Anyway, Sao Paulo blues aside, the encounter was great and I ...
  4. Found Copepods in refugium

    Not sure why but today I can't sleep, so I decided to check out the blogs... after reading melev's I felt a little frustrated that I hadn't seen one pod in my refugium yet... It has been about 5 months since I changed my sump to add a refugium and I hadn't seen any pods.

    So tonight I decided to stare at the refugium again... can't sleep, so... got my LED flashlight, a magnifying glass, and went pod hunting.

    Updated 02-09-2011 at 10:37 PM by snorkeler (typos)

    Tags: copepod
  5. Roach in sump...

    Today I had the wonderful surprise of finding a dead roach floating in my sump, apparently already decomposing... but probably not for too long as it was still in one piece and apparently still had a body.

    Well, removed and dumped it, then took the opportunity to clean up my skimmer's cup, which was smelling pretty bad... the worst I've ever smelled it....

    Sump , ‎ Cleanup