Blog Comments

  1. gerbilbox's Avatar
    If I insert them inline, they always appear small. If I remove the inline tags (but keep them in Manage Attachments), but use the image URLs so I can get them full size, they will appear as attachments at the bottom...blah!

    Thanks for all your help but I'm just going to sleep. I don't mind this oddity terribly as long as the images show up.
  2. melev's Avatar
    Hey, where did they go? Go ahead and re-upload them. It can be a little goofy at times, if you don't host your images elsewhere. Once they are in the manager, I know there is an option in the lower right section of the window that says "Insert Inline" and you'd check off all the ones you want inserted and they will do just that. Once done, they shouldn't show up as attachments at the base of your entry.

    I've been posting blogs here for over a year, and have added images just about every way possible. Some are better than others, but in the end it works. I just wish I could insert images directly from my iPhone like I can with tapatalk or on facebook.
  3. gerbilbox's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by melev
    Yes, you can. When you are in the full editor, scroll down to Manage Attachments. A small window will appear. The bottom row of images are what are attached, and you can click on the tiny "x" of each image you want to remove.

    Since I removed them already and there aren't any more attachments, you won't see this option in this blog.
    Hmm, that seems to work for a short while, but not long afterwards the images disappear entirely. I tested this on my most recent blog post and the same thing happens. I remove the bottom row attachments. Images are nice and big and works, but a short time later they disappear, and when I return to manage attachments the images are gone from there too.
  4. melev's Avatar
    Yes, you can. When you are in the full editor, scroll down to Manage Attachments. A small window will appear. The bottom row of images are what are attached, and you can click on the tiny "x" of each image you want to remove.

    Since I removed them already and there aren't any more attachments, you won't see this option in this blog.
  5. gerbilbox's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by melev
    If you keep the images around 800 x 600, that's pretty good. Mine are 770 x 512. Some people post 1024 x 768, but the right column hides part of the images and on a mobile phone you don't see much of the image at all. I'll remove the small ones (attachments) now.
    Yeah, I think 800x600 to a side is good, but I'm too lazy to change them right now. Thanks! Is there a way I can remove the attachment thumbnails from my end?
  6. melev's Avatar
    If you keep the images around 800 x 600, that's pretty good. Mine are 770 x 512. Some people post 1024 x 768, but the right column hides part of the images and on a mobile phone you don't see much of the image at all. I'll remove the small ones (attachments) now.
  7. gerbilbox's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by melev
    Very nice update. I don't know why your images are showing up small. I tried to edit to make them show up full size but it wasn't giving me the normal command option to do so.

    Kittens. hehe

    I like your power center up on the pegboard like that.
    I just realized how I could make them bigger by getting the URLs to the attachments and inserting the URLs into the IMG tags. I should probably downsize them now that they are rubbing up against the sidebar. There's are thumbnails that appear at the bottom of the post now, which I don't mind, but it seems a little odd for it to appear.
  8. melev's Avatar
    Very nice update. I don't know why your images are showing up small. I tried to edit to make them show up full size but it wasn't giving me the normal command option to do so.

    Kittens. hehe

    I like your power center up on the pegboard like that.
  9. melev's Avatar
    Those are both nice pieces. Give them time and you'll have much more to enjoy.
  10. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by gerbilbox
    @Alaska_Phil: That's good to hear that they can still thrive when there's nothing else in the tank.
    I should note that during that time I was putting a tiny pinch of flakes in the tank 2 or 3 times a week to keep everything fed. I think I used a little phyto as well.
  11. gerbilbox's Avatar
    @Alaska_Phil: That's good to hear that they can still thrive when there's nothing else in the tank.

    @Mits: I am hoping for your luck! There are intertidal sponges that are adapted to regular air exposure from low tides.

    The snail I found turned out to be a peppermint snail, so I updated the post as well as making a correction on one of the feather-duster worms. I think the white polyps may either be bleached zoanthids or discosoma (with shrunken discs). I discovered a few more critters today, including a digitate hydroid colony, spionid worms, and possibly two tiny Pseudocorynactis (anemone-like corallimorphs).
  12. Mits's Avatar
    You may be surprised with the sponges survival. I upgraded to my new tank over the summer, and discovered this amazing bright pink sponge that had been growing under the side of a rock that I couldn't see for a couple years. I had some polyps on the rock that I had already planned to remove by taking them out and chiseling them off of the rock, and couldn't avoid air exposure when making the transfer anyway. I had always been told that air exposure will kill any sponge, so I left the rock out for over an hour while working with it because I thought the sponge wouldn't make it. I put it in the new tank expecting to see it wither away, and here I am a few months later watching it spread and grow even further.
  13. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Wow! looks like you got some nice live rock. And you've obviously done a lot or research too.
    When I set up my nano a few years back, I found out I might be moving just after I added the live rock. As a result I waited 3 months before adding anything else except a couple snails. The result was that all those little critters multiplied like mad with no predation.
  14. Midnight's Avatar
    Wow, nice post with lots of details
  15. gerbilbox's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by bryman
    Hey that looks great! You certainly are putting a lot of thought into the build! I must admit my aquascaping is a lot more haphazard and dependent upon what fits together. But by taking some extra time like you have, I am sure it will turn out even better.
    Your aquascaping looks nice to me. I like the wavy cliff look, even if it is what happens to fit together.
  16. bryman's Avatar
    Hey that looks great! You certainly are putting a lot of thought into the build! I must admit my aquascaping is a lot more haphazard and dependent upon what fits together. But by taking some extra time like you have, I am sure it will turn out even better.
  17. gerbilbox's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by bryman
    Well, I've always just used black rustoleum with good success (no flaking after years, etc.), but I find most people use krylon fusion now. Not sure the difference but they both work. Glad to hear you are using RO/DI. When you have a nano, lugging around 5 gallon jugs every once in a while isn't so bad.
    Thanks for the spray painting suggestion! I bought a can of Krylon Fusion this morning and painted the back. It looks way better than the cheap background I had. My base rock also arrived today, so I'll post a new photo once I figure out the rock-scape.
  18. bryman's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by gerbilbox
    Funny, I just installed a black background when your comment arrived. I may decide to paint it this weekend, but in the meantime the black sheet was fast and cheap. Is there a difference between the Krylon Fusion and the Rustoleum?

    Oh don't worry, I stocked up on RO/DI water that I will use when I start the tank for real. There's a local grocery store RO/DI dispenser that a few local reefers also use. I'm only using the tap to test the tank, heater and filter.
    Well, I've always just used black rustoleum with good success (no flaking after years, etc.), but I find most people use krylon fusion now. Not sure the difference but they both work. Glad to hear you are using RO/DI. When you have a nano, lugging around 5 gallon jugs every once in a while isn't so bad.
  19. gerbilbox's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by bryman
    Very cool! Looks like you are doing your homework. My first tank was a 10g nano as well. You can do a lot of cool stuff even with a small tank, and to this day I think my nano was still prettier than any of the bigger tanks I've had.

    Have you thought about painting the tank back with krylon fusion or rustoleum? I usually paint mine black to make the colors pop more and hide filters / wires. Also, if you can afford to do it, either start the tank with RO/DI from a LFS or buy your own unit. You can save a lot of headaches with algae blooms and other issues if you go with RO/DI right from the start.

    Looking forward to seeing your progress!
    Funny, I just installed a black background when your comment arrived. I may decide to paint it this weekend, but in the meantime the black sheet was fast and cheap. Is there a difference between the Krylon Fusion and the Rustoleum?

    Oh don't worry, I stocked up on RO/DI water that I will use when I start the tank for real. There's a local grocery store RO/DI dispenser that a few local reefers also use. I'm only using the tap to test the tank, heater and filter.
  20. bryman's Avatar
    Very cool! Looks like you are doing your homework. My first tank was a 10g nano as well. You can do a lot of cool stuff even with a small tank, and to this day I think my nano was still prettier than any of the bigger tanks I've had.

    Have you thought about painting the tank back with krylon fusion or rustoleum? I usually paint mine black to make the colors pop more and hide filters / wires. Also, if you can afford to do it, either start the tank with RO/DI from a LFS or buy your own unit. You can save a lot of headaches with algae blooms and other issues if you go with RO/DI right from the start.

    Looking forward to seeing your progress!
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