Blog Comments

  1. DaveMorris's Avatar
    I'm going. I got some MACNA business to take care of!!
  2. melev's Avatar
    I only update when I have something to share.

    The next MACNA location will be revealed in exactly one week.
  3. Mustang's Avatar
    That is great news Marc i have been wondering where you were at on the 400gal thanks for the update.

    PS speaking of MACNA by any chance might you be able to give us a line on where it will be for 2014?
  4. melev's Avatar
    If you want to support your external overflow with steel, it may be better than adding floating eurobrace to help lift it up. Gravity will always tug at the overflow and the water weight within. I doubt this box needs additional support, but I did talk to a welder about possibly adding some legs bolted into the stand if the need seemed prudent.
  5. reefocd's Avatar
    Your tank is engineered well. Wasn't referring to your tank blowing out, only in general with the tanks short end pane on overflow side not having Eurobrace attached. My question is to the effect if I want to extend the long Eurobrace pieces to the outside edge of overflow box, thus having silicone on top of box as well supporting from above. I want to do this, but wonder if the concern is that if some crashes on overflow box it could fracture Eurobrace and front and/or back tank panes? I need to talk with some tank manufacturers. Thanks, good luck with "the beast" ...
  6. melev's Avatar
    That's all the pictures I got. The eurobracing is crisscrossed in the corners to create a nice strong rectangle with double 1/2" thick glass. That makes the eurobrace 1" thick. The external box holds about 1.5g of water since it will run at about 60" around the Durso standpipes. Under the box is a flat piece of acrylic to help support it.

    With the last tank the box wasn't coming off, and I highly doubt it really could if it is bonded properly with new clean surfaces. The end panel of the old tank wasn't blowing out and it was 1/2" thick. This time it is 3/4" thick and the external overflow's bottom panel acts like a cross brace to keep that pane totally straight, 8" down from the top of the tank.
  7. reefocd's Avatar

    I am in design phase of a eurobraced 12mm 66"x24"x22" shallow reef. Will have external overflow box similar to your 400g. I wonder why they don't extend the long Eurobrace pieces all the way through to the outer edge of overflow box? Gives silicone surface to top of box. It would add strength to the box and not prevent access to durso's? I think it would also reduce risk of end pane blowout? What are your thoughts on this concept? I'd like to see more pics of that end of the tank, as I can't quite make out what's going on with the front to back Eurobrace on that end of tank?

  8. melev's Avatar
    Yes, I use it and thus sell it from my site. I love this stuff. It has a new name now; it was called Phosphate Control originally but is now known as Phosphate Rx.
  9. marinelife's Avatar
    Marc, are you stiff doing this?
  10. Heathd's Avatar
    Hey, thats pretty neat. I think I know what I'm going to get next time I replace my MH bulbs.

    And *POW*.... thats a huge difference in par after swapping bulbs. I didnt realize they degraded to that extent.
  11. melev's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by DaveMorris
    No doubt, Marc, we will have you out again. Terrific presentation and I think everyone enjoyed it and even learned a little.
    That's always the goal. I'm always glad to meet up with other hobbyists and hope as they pick my brain they can take away some useful nuggets to help their reefs thrive.
  12. DaveMorris's Avatar
    No doubt, Marc, we will have you out again. Terrific presentation and I think everyone enjoyed it and even learned a little.
  13. melev's Avatar
    I may be out there again in a year for a different presentation.
  14. Bubblehead's Avatar
    Love AquaSD! Thanks for showing love to one of the best LFS in SD! Bummed that I couldn't make it to your sump presentation.
  15. melev's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by DaveMorris
    Who's the hottie in that last photo?
    That's Jean Gomez.
  16. DaveMorris's Avatar
    Who's the hottie in that last photo?
  17. melev's Avatar
    Correct, the ceiling fans and all the house outlets are on circuits unaffected by the generator. I ran a subpanel to the fishroom's eight circuits, and planned to run from those as needed.
  18. Paul B's Avatar
    OK, so those fans are not connected to the generator?
  19. melev's Avatar
    What I do is have my ceiling fans on since those circuits are dead during the power outage. When they spin, that's my clue.
  20. Paul B's Avatar
    If you want to be really cool install a bell on your main line on the street side of the main and put a switch on it. Leave the switch off but turn it on when the power goes out. When the power comes back on, the bell will ring and inform you to turn off the generator. If you don't do that, you won't know when the power goes back on. I am very glad I did that.