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  1. The weather broke for a day, and I seized the moment to paint

    I've been wanting to paint the fishroom floor for over two months, but never had the right conditions. Yesterday, the weather was 64F for the high compared to the day before when it was 85F. I pulled out everything scattered around the fishroom floor, grabbed the air hose from my compressor and blasted dust everywhere, swept up the mess and damp mopped the concrete to get rid of any other dust.

    Btw, that cloud was ominous and a lot of it settled on the surface of the reef. Not exactly ...
  2. Day 68: The latest changes

    After having my new fish in quarantine for 10 days with no sign of illness, I decided it was best to move them into my reef tonight. During the QT period, one Chromis died early on, and yesterday one of the Helfrichi firefish was found dead and tattered. Since I'm about to fly out to Florida to speak to a club there, I didn't want to risk it with all those fish in a small water volume and no-one to change the water daily. All the fish were quick to eat at every feeding session, so they can hold ...
    Tank Entry
  3. Remember to clean your skimmer pump(s).

    My Euroreef skimmer has two Eheim 1262 pumps on it. When I have to clean the collection cup, I turn off one pump and leave the other running. I do the same thing if the cup is overflowing, because within the body of the skimmer, foam builds up with all kinds of dreck. Once the cup is clean, I start the second pump and all that stuff is immediately exported.

    Today I did just that, I turned off one pump and noticed how the body of the skimmer was full of water and very little bubbles. ...
    Tank Entry
  4. Day 60 - Video

    April 6th was the 60th day since my reef was set up, so last night I shot some video, assembled it on in iMovie on my iMac, and here's the result.

    I shot it with my D90, but it seems a little soft. Over time, I'll probably need to get a better HD camera to share some crisper vids. I hope you enjoy it.
    Tags: video
    Tank Entry , ‎ Photography/Video
  5. What does Six Line Wrasse taste like?

    I don't know, but based upon the response of my clean up crew, it must be fantastic. I've had this Six Line since early 2006, and during the livestock transfer, it injured itself darting out of a piece of live rock. For the past month, he's been swimming funny and was looking more and more tattered.

    I decided to let things play out naturally, and didn't have much hope of its recovery. When Matt Pedersen was here, he felt that it was old and probably near the end of its life. ...
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