Blog Comments

  1. Robb in Austin's Avatar
    Wow, just wow.
  2. baker.shawn's Avatar
    i hate to say it but this makes my LFS look like a dump hahaha
  3. melev's Avatar
    When I got there, Jeremy told me that he didn't have much fish in stock at the moment and he even explained why, but I don't recall the reason. I was so distracted by the shiny stuff everywhere. I even got to slide behind that row of tanks to see what it's like to work from the back when necessary. It's a tight squeeze, but the guy that has to do that job is skinnier than I am. hehehe
  4. Workaholic's Avatar
    Truly an amazing store. Sadly the first one that i've seen QT their fish before sale. something I think every store should impliment.
  5. baker.shawn's Avatar
    Great post
    It didn't look like they had much livesock... :/ regardless what an amazing store id love to get a job there!
  6. Brad Syphus's Avatar
    Wow. Now that is a dream come true store. Great write up Marc.
  7. melev's Avatar
    Tal, I'm still using it when needed. Very handy and simple to use.
  8. debdp's Avatar
    I finally remembered to pick one of these up and used it on my acrylic tank last night (under blue LEDs). LOVE IT! I've been using blue bonded filter pads to clean the acrylic and usually have to scrub to get it clean. I cleaned the tank in 1/4 the time needing only one or two swipes. I did it by hand but will slice up a piece to put in the magnet.
  9. mermark's Avatar
    Why can't I use my human vitamins and supplements on reef tank other than not knowing the exact dosage what else could it hurt ?
  10. melev's Avatar
    I think I resolved the leaking air in the calcium reactor from the John Guest fitting connections. I inserted the small blue clips that help keep the 1/4" tubing locked in and it's looking vastly better. I dosed some baked Baking Soda again last night to raise alkalinity a little more for those troubled corals and clams.
  11. melev's Avatar
    This is Tropic Eden and CaribSea, I believe.
  12. Midnight's Avatar
    So what brand of Calcium are you using in the reactor, I have been using ARM and have not noticed my mag getting out of whack?
  13. melev's Avatar
    With that sexy banner, he's gonna be rich.
  14. Sisterlimonpot's Avatar
    When I lived in Wyoming, Josh was my main supplier of corals, I even purchased fish from him. Good to see that you have ventured out to sponsor ReefAddicts.
  15. Sisterlimonpot's Avatar
    I am definitely keeping a close eye on updates. I sure hope that the offspring will share the same patterns. Very nice pictures Marc.
  16. cyano's Avatar
    Unfortunately unexplained losses are all too common in this hobby as I also wait and watch my tank in hopes that the worst is behind me
  17. Robb in Austin's Avatar
    You are correct about it being maddening at times. I lost all my LPS earlier this year for no apparent reason, and just lost my oldest clam this weekend. Now my water smells like bad breath. Hang in there!
  18. jlemoine2's Avatar
    I've seen fish in sticky situations before... I always panic to help the fish as quickly as I can, but it would have been priceless if you could have snapped a quick pic of the tang with his mouth stuck in a pump.

    Sorry to hear about the random losses, I agree the unexplained can be frustrating. What is this brown jelly disease? I've never heard of it before.
  19. melev's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Electrobes
    Marc! At least let us know the specs of the tank, I'm curious to know what's behind the magic. ; )
    I did a little digging on Matt's site, and found this link that pertains to all equipment questions:
  20. fishtal's Avatar
    She looks great. Beautiful eyes.