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Entries focusing on feeding procedures

  1. White worms, Black worms

    I have been feeding blackworms to fish for about fifty years and still do, but now I also raise white worms because I wanted something that I could "fill" with fish oil before I fed them to the fish. Here are some white worms. I put that piece of Matzo in there about 2 hours ago. in a couple of more hours it will be gone and it was covered in fish oil. I just take a knife and lift out a blob of worms from the top and no dirt comes along with it.
    I also feed them Cheerios with ...
  2. Worms as food

    Worms, I love worms and if it were not for worms I would not have this hobby, thats how much I rely on worms(although I never tasted them myself)
    I use two types of worms for food, California Blackworms and lately, white worms. Blackworms are fresh water worms and white worms live in wet soil. Blackworms only live for about 15 seconds in saltwater but my fish eat them very fast so they never make it to the bottom. Whiteworms are smaller and live for a few hours in saltwater.
    Through ...
  3. Feeding Stations

    All fish in the sea know how to find their food and in a tank it is even easier for them. The problem is that in the sea Mother Nature supplies food all day, every day. We as humans have other lives and usually don't want to feed our fish continousely. At least I don't. Also some fish are just designed to eat a tiny bit all day because that is just the way their digestive systems were designed. Fish like pipefish and seahorses don't even have a real stomach, just a short tube that acts like ...