Blog Comments

  1. Reefdaddy's Avatar
    you should start a store Jessy, Cuz I want one 2.
  2. Hat39406's Avatar
    Yeah really! I want one for my home office. ;-p. I know, put them up for grabs to the highest bidder and all money will go to support Melevs reef. ;-)
  3. michika's Avatar
    Awe! I love it, its adorable. I wish I could have one to put on my desk at work.
  4. melev's Avatar
    I want all three!

    Thanks Jessy!
  5. Jessy's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by kileysmama
    One thing to keep in mind is balance. We had a automated canopy on our last tank that was suspended by 2 wires (one on either end) and moved up and down with a linear actuator. It worked great except for the fact that when it was anything but completely down on top of the tank, it hung crooked. The wires were centered on it, but it was ever so slightly out of balance. A solution would have been to have support at all for corners. Those sunlifts only support 22lbs. At Macna there was a different style that were similar to a shade or miniblind that could support alot more, I don't recall what they were called though. I like the idea, and my vote goes to the wood sanded smooth and painted or stained to match the stand.
    I'm going to support the four corners with two triangles like the one pictured here. I just didn't draw both.
  6. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Nice, I like it. I assume you'll have cables at each end to keep it from spinning?
  7. kileysmama's Avatar
    One thing to keep in mind is balance. We had a automated canopy on our last tank that was suspended by 2 wires (one on either end) and moved up and down with a linear actuator. It worked great except for the fact that when it was anything but completely down on top of the tank, it hung crooked. The wires were centered on it, but it was ever so slightly out of balance. A solution would have been to have support at all for corners. Those sunlifts only support 22lbs. At Macna there was a different style that were similar to a shade or miniblind that could support alot more, I don't recall what they were called though. I like the idea, and my vote goes to the wood sanded smooth and painted or stained to match the stand.
  8. Hat39406's Avatar
    I believe - "Clear acrylic spray panted matte black to match the rest of the stand" sounds great, but what Marc said sounds good. ;-)
  9. melev's Avatar
    Build a mock up and try it out for a bit to get a feel for if you like it.
  10. thejuggernaut's Avatar
    Well as far as skimmers go you should look at the I-tech 100 model. They offer a new one with the pump inside the body to save space. I own one of the 200 size models and it is built like a tank and practically sucks the poo out of the fish.
  11. Jessy's Avatar
    Thanks guys. I'm rethinking it. I've got to do some moding I think. New plan in the works. I've got to figure out the skimmer first I think. That's going to determine my space needs.
  12. Reefdaddy's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by bleachandvomit
    I would swap the skimmer section and refugium, that seems like the standard.

    Where did you get the sump? Its NICE, you should turn it into a nano elos or ada style tank!
    I totaly agree with Bleach on that Jessy, Having the refguim after the skimmer will assit in any DOC's that did not get caught by the skimmer. Also agree on the sump looks like Elos tank.
  13. bleachandvomit's Avatar
    I would swap the skimmer section and refugium, that seems like the standard.

    Where did you get the sump? Its NICE, you should turn it into a nano elos or ada style tank!
  14. NightShade's Avatar
    You are going to run all your water from right to left in the picture I am assuming? Would that be counterproductive for your skimmer in some ways as your skimmer would remove some of the pods that you would want to export to your tank if I remember right.

    Mine is setup

    Water intake with filter sock and eventually skimmer| baffle|baffle|return|Baffle| Refugium

    The pump has at that allows me to divert some water into the fuge at very low flow which then flows into the return it is actually based of one of Melevs design. Or are you going to have a flow chamber in behind to allow the water to flow to the return?
  15. Hat39406's Avatar
    Congrats Jessy!! Can't wait to see it come together. I absolutely love the way you designed the 150g; so I know this new one will be awesome! ;-)
  16. bleachandvomit's Avatar
    LOVE it. You should be able to make a very aesthetically pleasing rockscape with that cube, some marcorock, and your creative background. Your biggest obstacle looks to be the canopy but I'm sure Marc will make it for free!

    For a skimmer I would maybe go with a Venturi. Depending on the manufacturer, they are usually "set it and forget it" and for the most part reliable. No special and expensive needlewheel pumps, shafts or mesh to replace and clean. Not trying to preach, just brainstorming.
  17. Jessy's Avatar
    Thanks guys. I'm working on the plumbing right now and figuring out if I want to change the return a little bit
  18. Snakebyt's Avatar
    grats, looks like a great tank for a smaller place.I have always loved the cube tanks. Cant wait to see it come together.. post lots of pics
  19. Trido's Avatar
    Congrats on the new tank Jesse. Your low maintanance scheme should work out real well with all of your traveling.
  20. Blown76mav's Avatar
    Congrats, can't wait to see it progress.
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