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Water Chemistry

Test kit results

  1. Possible High Nitrates.

    So unfortunately I have been in the in the hospital recovering from emergency surgery to save my life from a burst appendix. So I wasn't able to tend to my aquarium and my wife told me my fish don't look so well and that my snails are making runs out of the tank. So without any further testing I am assuming that nitrate/nitrite levels may be higher than expected. I have a my Fluval G3 Canister filter running for approximately 3 weeks now with just the stock Activated Charcoal filter and I never ...
    NEED HELP STAT! , ‎ Water Chemistry
  2. Getting the water params right 2 / On the way to Balling Plus

    Continuing the water parameters story:

    At night, PWC (Patrial Water Change) of 40L

    Alk 7.4 dKH
    Ca 500 ppm
    Mg 850 ppm

    Added 45 ml of Eco Mg, last drops in the bottle...

    At night, added 1 cap of Purple Up (happen to have a more than half full bottle here)

    At night, added 10ml of Elos primeline 01.alkali (Ca, Mg and Strontium)

    Mid-day, measured and ...
    Water Chemistry
  3. Oh April, how time files

    by , 04-16-2013 at 10:15 AM (T.I.B.E.T (The Incredibly Big Expensive Tank))
    Since I've been MIA...

    April FTS. Ignore the patch in the center that didn't get cleaned. The urchin was there.

    Did my annual sort through of my basement this past weekend. Got lots done, turfed some old stuff and found some long lost space. Tentative panels in place now for the skirting. The left side and the roof is left to do.
  4. My thoughts on saltwater for water changes

    Iv'e read some comments recently about some concern over stored saltwater and how it may lose its efficacy. I don't know that I can agree with that premise, but I'm not positive what all has been considered in that topic. Years ago, there was a thread discussing what how long experienced hobbyists wait to do a water change after the water has been mixed up, and a large number admitted that they'd use it within 5-15 minutes as well as up to 30 minutes... more than I would have expected.
    Water Chemistry
  5. Getting the water params right

    Since I got an LFS to do some cleanup and water testing (previous blog post) I've been working to get the water parameters back into normality.

    I'll post about it, telling my journey, for I hope others with the same skill level as mine (low...) and also the same time to dedicate to the tank as I have (not much...) can learn from my experience.

    In fact, that is half of why I post this blog... it is so easy to read about what the high fliers in this hobby get done (spending ...
    Water Chemistry
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