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  1. Got another toy. :)

    I ordered a Majano Zapper from PaulB last week. This is a device that was cleaned up from the version I posted about last January / February when a buddy of mine let me watch his DIY handiwork in Seattle take out some pest anemones. PaulB decided he could make a better mousetrap and fabricated something I was willing to hold -- after all, it is an electrical device we submerge in our saltwater system!

    Before you ask, I don't know if he's going to make any more of these at the moment ...
    Tank Entry , ‎ Electrical
  2. Finalized designs for the display and sump.

    by , 11-10-2010 at 09:04 AM (T.I.B.E.T (The Incredibly Big Expensive Tank))
    Just a couple more drawings of the system.


    Sump from the back

    Sump from the front

    I have a pile of work to do in the basement ...
    DIY projects
  3. New Bartlett's Anthias

    Everyone likes videos, so here is my new trio of Bartlett's Anthias. So far all are eating Rod's foods as well as spectrum pellets. I've always wanted Anthias but never had a tank big enough until now. They were a little pale in this video, but starting to color up already a few days later.
