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  1. Yellow Polyps (July 3rd) and Green Chromis added (July 16th)

    This is the last "telling yesterday's story" post :-) . Thank you for your patience.

    I will condense in this post two things that happened in the tank:

    1. Put the Yellow Polyps in the tank, Mithrax crabs did try to eat them.
    On June 3rd I decided to move the Yellow Polyps into the DT because my Mithrax crabs had been behaving well, weren't eating Zoa polyps anymore... so... well, the night after I added the Yellow Polyps they attacked. In the morning ...
    New Additions
  2. June 25th: Sad day.... Mr Six died

    June 25th was a very sad Saturday... I went with my kid to LFS2 to buy a plastic decoration for our QT, something that gave my exiled six-line wrasse better hiding options than the white PVC tubes I had in the QT. My kid chose a cute treasure chest with octopus, with several holes in some vases an in the chest. Would be perfect, good looking and great for hiding in.
    Tank Entry
  3. June 4th to 24th: Shrimp feasting on Aiptasia + Aiptasia in a jar

    On June 4th at night I added two peppermint shrimp to the tank, and they gradually ate up all the Aiptasias. And there were a lot... but they got rid of them, all of them.

    Well, to be honest they ate all but one, the large, no, huge, Aiptasia you saw in a previous blog post. So I decided to manually remove than one and put it in a flower vase for my amusement. This picture was after a week it was in the vase, it climbed up from the bottom to that position:
    Pest , ‎ Tank Entry
  4. June 4th: Removing Mr. Six

    Talking to my favorite LFS about my Aiptasia blues (which they were aware of given my shrimp purchases) one of the guys (Maciel, great guy, really) offered to lend me a fish trap, explained how to operate it and encouraged me to try.

    Cool, it did seem pretty simple in theory, if I had enough patience. I'll show a picture right below, but, in summary it was an acrylic box with a sliding door. Maciel told me: "man, just put the trap in there without the door, fix it to the glass ...

    Updated 07-17-2011 at 09:15 PM by snorkeler (Wrong title)

    Tank Entry
  5. Late May - Early June: Aiptasia Garden

    In January I spotted one Aiptasia in the display tank, then shortly after another one. Bought some Aiptasia-X a few weeks later and killed them both.

    Well, two months later (March) I spotted them again... a large one on the substrate, and 3 smaller ones on the rock. The large one and one of the smaller ones were almost exactly where the two ones I killed in January were.... humm.... I re-read Aiptasia-X's instructions, applied it on them again, and gone they were (the four of them). ...
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