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  1. week 5 with led

    i have whites at 55% and blue @ 75% royal blue at 78%. so i guess on my previous light setup i had my MH high enough and the fans pointed to a point where water evap was not altered by them. currently with the LEDs im still topping off at the same rate. this is important because i use a kalk reactor to control my level especially PH, as it runs low on my system. currently alk is at 8.9 and cal at 438 with hanna checkers.
    colors are still looking great, so far im happy with my choice..... ...
    Tank Entry , ‎ Equipment
  2. Worms as food

    Worms, I love worms and if it were not for worms I would not have this hobby, thats how much I rely on worms(although I never tasted them myself)
    I use two types of worms for food, California Blackworms and lately, white worms. Blackworms are fresh water worms and white worms live in wet soil. Blackworms only live for about 15 seconds in saltwater but my fish eat them very fast so they never make it to the bottom. Whiteworms are smaller and live for a few hours in saltwater.
    Through ...
  3. Slight milky water

    Hi! to all i had an 37g reef tank (24x24x15) and a 15g with 3 chamber sump with micro algae, 1inc. sand, 1 LR and a skimmer. its been running for about 3 months and 9 days now, i have 7 zoas, 2 blasto, 1 micromussa and 1 brain coral and no fish yet. tested my parameters and all are ok but my water looks like slight milky what is the cause of this? i alredy do water change 10% last week 3x and 50% yesterday and this morning 5% still the same. this the first time ive encounter this problem.

    Updated 04-18-2013 at 12:37 AM by kuza

  4. Oh April, how time files

    by , 04-16-2013 at 10:15 AM (T.I.B.E.T (The Incredibly Big Expensive Tank))
    Since I've been MIA...

    April FTS. Ignore the patch in the center that didn't get cleaned. The urchin was there.

    Did my annual sort through of my basement this past weekend. Got lots done, turfed some old stuff and found some long lost space. Tentative panels in place now for the skirting. The left side and the roof is left to do.
  5. Dinoflagellates and Aquascaping

    Hello All,

    I have a question about getting rid of dinoflagellates and aquascaping my aquarium.

    A Little Background
    I have a 100 gallon aquarium that was given to my church in September 2010. It was originally purchased as a freshwater aquarium and was turned into a saltwater aquarium be the previous owner. When it was given to us it had two Marineland hang on back filters with bio-wheels. It came with sand, rocks, and fish. Since then I have added the sump and ...
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