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  1. Day 25 - topdown pictures

    Today is the 25th day since the reef was taken down... the livestock has been in vats and I've done my best to maintain stable water parameters.

    Within the first few days, alkalinity shot up to 15dKH, and it took a week to let that burn off to 9 again. Currently, the water measures 10 dKH and the calcium reactor seems to be dialed in for the current set up.

    Within the first few days, PO4 was .03ppm. Amazed and impressed, I was happy to not have to worry about that number. ...
    Tags: topdown
    Tank Entry , ‎ Photography/Video
  2. return pump

    Hey all

    So Im thinking about upgrading my aquarium soon.. I have a 40 gal tank, and would probably get a 65 gal drilled tank.
    This will be my first experience with a sump.. I mean I have made water changes and worked in sumps before, but never started from scratch.
    Fo the sump I would probably use a 20 gal long tank. My questions are mostly for the return pump.. what would be a good strenght pump for that size tank?

    Updated 07-30-2010 at 12:17 AM by melev

  3. My 75g RR Build/Picture Update

    Just thought i'd do a small update and put some pics up of what I've been doing. I still have to do the electrical for the lighting; thats what is on top of canopy. How would y'all do it? I have two ballast, one power strip and three timers. Would you mount on back of canopy or in stand. I don't have quick connects. Well anyway, here are some pics, if ya been following me you can tell what progress i've made. The bright pink thing on the left was something I made up to hold my frags. The hermits ...

    Updated 07-29-2010 at 07:23 PM by Hat39406

    My tank! , ‎ Tank Entry , ‎ DIY projects
  4. Malaysia Reef Closes Diving Sites

    This is something that most of us already know about but here is a reminder.
  5. Shifting 120G into 300G


    People are about to unsubscribe my thread, which is not good for me. Sorry Nick for late posting…..

    Stay tune….

    Here it goes……

    Special thanks for Nick and Ahmed. Nick visit to see my rock work, while Ahmed called me and asked about to move stuff from 120 to 300G….. After getting his confirmation that he is coming to help us, ……… we ready…….., I collected some buckets unplugged all circulation pumps. I think he drove 300M/H to ...
    Tank Entry , ‎ Tank - Full Summary , ‎ New Additions
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