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EcoTech question

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Hello guys. I've been recently considering a possible upgrade to the EcoTech series of controller(s) powerhead. I really don"t know very much a/b these units, at all. I have a 46 gallon tall reef tank and i was wondering what size of the EcoTech units i would need and the benefits of a wireless driver or not? I will one day, have a larger tank, nothing larger than 90 gallons, and would like the EcoTech that could transfer to that tank. I've seen alot of u're tank pics, on here, have these EcoTech units on u're systems. Can I get rid of my other powerheads w/ this product? This is very important for me having a smaller tank. With my tank being deeper will it efficiently move water on the bottom portion of the tank, even close to the top of the sand bed? Where do you place the unit on u're tank? Also, not related to the title i have an Aqua Remora skimmer w/ the 1400 Rio pump with skimmer box and was also thinking of upgrading to the $$$Deltec MCE600 skimmer$$$, both are the HOB skimmers, i have heard noting but good reviews a/b both skimmers but w/ space being an issue all the time w/ my tank the skimmer box on this Remora is very cumbersome, and it just doesn't skim very efficiently w/out it on.

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  1. melev's Avatar
    The glass thickness determines the pump you'll use. The Mp10 works on glass 3/8" thick, while the MP40 can go on thicker glass up to 3/4". The Mp60 fits on tanks 1.25" thick, just for your information.

    A single MP40 would work well in a 46g and later on a 90g. When you upgrade, you'll probably want a second MP40 to get some back and forth action between the two pumps.

    A single pump does push water, but it also draws in water. I would put it about 1/3 to 1/2 way down in the tank. having it up higher helps keep the surface rippling and oxygenates the water during a power outage (if you have the battery backup). Too low and it moves your sandbed.

    I've been using Vortech pumps since MACNA 17's debut, and would never go back to any other kind. I love how clean they look, and keep my tank free of other gear. We have at least one product review of Vortech pumps here on R.A. you can read, with tons of detail. And I know I have another review on as well.

    Regarding the skimmer, I've not used that one but the brand is a good name.
    Updated 09-25-2011 at 02:32 PM by melev