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Elos is finally cycled

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Both of my tanks actually are finally cycled!

The 17 gallon stabilized a few weeks ago and since then I've added my orange and darwin clown pair, and a small flame hawkfish. Most of you might think a hawkfish is not suitable for such a small tank but I like to push the envelope. He's not cramped at all and he loves all the perching spots, including my mag-float that I have resting horizontally. The 17g has also had a cyano outbreak, from the post-cycle or from overfeeding. Another cool thing to note is that my clowns absolutely love this hawkfish! They all sleep in the little cave together every night.

In the Elos news, the parameters cleared up earlier this week and today I added my maroon pair. I'm going to wait on adding the mystery wrasse, as it isnt as hardy as clowfish or hawkfish. Not taking any chances with such an expensive specimen. Still waiting on my digital osmocontroller, venturi cleaner, and replacement o-rings from Jesse at Elos.

In closing, does anyone have tips on getting this fracking chromis out of my Elos?! That bugger hides the instant the net touches the water. Might have to get 3-4 more and make a school if i cant get him out...


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  1. mledford's Avatar
    In closing, does anyone have tips on getting this fracking chromis out of my Elos?!
    Fish trap... You can buy one, or search utube and do a DIY and make yourself one...
  2. vision's Avatar
    +1 on the fish trap
  3. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Chromis tend to rest quietly in a corner at night. You might be able to get him with a red flashlight in the dark.
  4. bleachandvomit's Avatar
    Thanks for the suggestion! I actually put it to use but not for the chromis...

    I decided the chromis can stay for now, I might add a school later to add movement. I instead made a fish trap and caught the Mystery wrasse in my red sea max, and put him in the Elos! He is doing fine, drip acclimated for about an hour and we have no labored breathing. Thanks!