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Random Thoughts

  1. How a venomous cone snail catches and kills fish

  2. Facinating Occurance

    I have this bubble algae growing in a few places in my tank and in some places it is very heavy. I am not worried about it and kind of like it, but anyway, I noticed that it is just growing on my home made cement rock or the cement on bottles and none of it is growing on any real rock.
    It started in my algae trough which is a screen coated in cement. The trough was so filled with this bubble algae that it overflowed and the entire thing fell into the tank from the weight.
    I find this ...
    Random Thoughts
  3. Aptasia

    Found what looked to be an aptasia anemone on my rock for the first time in 10 years! i hit it with aptasia x and it appears to be gone but we will see.
    Random Thoughts
  4. Circular reef tanks?

    I wonder what you guys think of circular reef tanks. I remember I saw one featured in CORAL magazine once and started thinking about them a bit more. A few initial ideas I had:
    • Allow fish to swim unobstructed (good for surgeonfish)
    • Create great gyre flow very easily. Might create a dead spot though in the center of the tank where the rock work is.
    • As long as not too big, could be lit by a single metal halide fixture (tank diameter limited to 24-30” per halide, and the edges will be dimmer)
    • Image
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  5. Zero Edge Aquarium

    Has anyone seen one of these aquariums or know anything about them?

    They look pretty cool.

    Updated 11-18-2011 at 11:07 AM by chuck

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