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Tank Entry

  1. 400g update

    Over the past couple of days, I got some things done.
    • Blowhole pump replaced with another one for an upcoming product review.
    • Water tests completed, and the numbers look good.
    • The 265g poly tank was cleaned out again, and refilled
      with RO/DI water to mix up new saltwater.
    • A few majanos and aiptasias were zapped.

    Still having fish losses. I saw another dead Sherbert Anthias blowing around in the tank, which means I only have one left of the three. A few dots appeared on ...
    Tank Entry
  2. 125 almost ready!

    My 125 gallon was tested and for the first time today all levels are ready zero! If they stay this way for the next couple of days I will be adding some fish to it finally!
    Tank Entry
  3. Day 270: My reef at nine months old

    My reef turns nine months old today and some thoughts about the past few weeks.

    To start off, I'd like to showcase some of the newest additions.

    Here's the Branching Tubastrea, usually called a black suncoral. You can see the tissue is dark green. Each night the polyps come out so I can spot feed them.

    Tank Entry
  4. Mary Jane’s progress & tank update

    I got Mary Jane my potters angle just about 2 weeks ago I would like to happily proclaim; she appears not to be a coral nipper, she is more if an indiscriminate picker, spending her time picking across the rocks and glass she will occasionally stumble across a piece but nothing that I would say with intent and detrimental. However, today I did notice some aggression to my firefish who likes to hover right in front of the glass stealing all the attention

    Since getting Mary Jane I have ...
    Tank Entry
  5. The 180g build "The beginning"

    After getting settled in to the new house I decided on the perfect space for me next reef. While wanting to take a little more time off, I just couldn't help thinking of how great my next reef would be.

    I was planning a 300g in wall build with large fishroom in half of the garage. While the idea was just perfect in my head, my wife had other ideas. You see, she has been very tolerant of my reefing addiction over the years. She is actually the one that got me into saltwater but she ...
    Tank Entry , ‎ Equipment , ‎ New Additions , ‎ DIY projects , ‎ Random Thoughts