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The Culprit !!!

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Been loosing some polyps of my SC( thank God only SC ) for the last two weeks... and look what I found awhile back.

oh well........ he's in the FOWLR tank right now.

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  1. MarcG's Avatar
    What type of snail is that?
  2. Midnight's Avatar
    yellow nassaris?
  3. Jessy's Avatar
    Interesting. What the heck is that?
  4. gerbilbox's Avatar
    SC = Sun Coral? It looks like Epitonium billeeanum, which only eats sun corals. I'm not a snail expert, but I happened to be browsing Calfo and Fenner's "Reef Invertebrates" and it has a picture that looks very much like your snail.
  5. vision's Avatar

    Right on.... SC = suncorals. I have a tank full of SC's and Dendro.

    On a side note for the snail, read here