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93 Gallon Cube of Fun

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Hello Everyone,

After years of dreaming of a reef and toying with a 9 gallon nano, I started my tank the day after Christmas (as a Christmas present my wife gave me authorization to proceed with my reef plans ). The plan is for a mixed reef. The tank has been running for a couple months now, listed below are the components:

93 Gallon Cube (corner overflow)
Tunze 6105
Tunze 6055
Eheim 1262
Skimmer: Octo SRO-2000INT
Neptune Apex Controller
Neptune VDM Module
60# Live Sand
40# bag of Carib Sea Sea Floor
90# Live Rock
Lighting: Aqua illumination Sol Super Blue x 2
Melev's boosted RODI system (works great)!
DIY Acrylic Sump/refugium
Reef Crystals Salt

I have some pictures to share and look forward to any suggestions!


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Updated 03-03-2011 at 02:54 PM by gist41980 (added web link)

Tank - Full Summary


  1. Midnight's Avatar
    I can't see the pictures
  2. gist41980's Avatar
    Sorry, the next post shall have them. Just a little summary for my first post, did not mean to mislead!
  3. agsansoo's Avatar
    What are the dimensions of your tank ?
  4. gist41980's Avatar
    The tank is 30"wide x 30" long x 24" high. It is made by Marineland.
  5. melev's Avatar
    Hi Nathan. Good to see you on R.A.