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RC = haters

Rating: 2 votes, 5.00 average.
So I learnt today that posting a Reef Addicts link on Reef Central is apparently a copy right violation of some sort and you’re simply not able to do it.....who knew
Dont believe me?...look!

p.s if you read my blog i did stretch the truth about how much i spent on RC so far...but hey I need them to pity me

That’s all for now,

Ohhh wait! Funny site! Okok so before I post this link know this site is aimed at teenage males ( Oh! thats me). It’s also supposed to be funny! And there is allot of not nice stuff said, some women with strong feminist feelings may not like it haha but I know lots of girls who get a woot out of reading it.

If you like it, I’m happy! I find it quite amusing to read every Thursday
If you don’t like it and find it offensive don’t get mad at me...just close the page go look at your tank and relax

just click on one of the 156 things bros like to get a lengthly entertaining explination of why things are the way they are


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Updated 03-20-2011 at 11:10 PM by baker.shawn

Random Thoughts , ‎ Humour


  1. Robb in Austin's Avatar
    Like the list.

    Dislike RC being douches.
  2. Neelixx's Avatar
    Yup. EVORACER had the same problem last year: (just not to RA site). They don't want people to see that there are better social systems out there.

    Personally, I feel the old-style vBulletin forum system is so, 90's. Difficult to read, hard to follow, and not interesting. I'm not fond of those systems any more. Marc did it right....

    We are now in the Web 2.0 era (moving to 3). They should make it more "AJAX'y" like facebook or twitter. User feeds with comments. That sort of thing. But nope, RC wants to stay as cheap as possible, only using a free bulletin board system with barely any customizations. Very original. </sarcasm>
  3. Neelixx's Avatar
    To be perfectly honest, I decided to check-out their user agreements for posting content. To me, there are only two places that talks about what to post and what not to. The first is your standard "illegal,abuse,offensive...." postings, and the other is commercial postings (to protect paying sponsors). But, I see nothing about copyright, simply by linking to another user posting on another site. It would only be a violation of copyright if you take an idea/intellectual property as your own.

    IMO, it sounds immature.
  4. baker.shawn's Avatar

    its internet censorship, sorta like what north korea does
  5. Neelixx's Avatar
    Yes, RA must be on a blacklist, but it's still not a copyright violation. They should call it "banned" or "censored" link....not copyright. Still immature.
  6. DJ in WV's Avatar
    Ive seen alot of flaming on new people on that site, People in this hobby make mistakes every day no reason the to beat them up or dog them for trying some outside the(norm). If noone tried anything different we would all be still using under gravel filters. Just dont add to there ignorance by fueling anything. You will always have your elitist and your challenged people, But the middle of the road is usually a comfortable place to walk
  7. Neelixx's Avatar
    Good comment, DJ. You are right. While I don't agree with RC on alot of things, that's no reason to say what I said. Thanks for taking the time to straighten me out. My wife usually does that.
  8. NightShade's Avatar
    Just use something like tiny url or put in a redirect on a domain name you use. I barely use RC and mainly only to check out the COMAS forum that resides there. Hopefully will get them to start using their own site a bit more as some people who have been coming up with a lot of frags have been getting warnings about being commercial sellers. I personally don't like being throttled on a site that has a ton of advertisements in place to make money off of my visits which is my main reason for not visiting along with some of the mod attitude I have seen.

    But then again I have my own sites to deal with and lately have hardly been here either.
  9. Snakebyt's Avatar
    yea, they dont like us much over there, I had an account for almost 10 years and got banned from that place