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A mature reef - video

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BradleyJ is a friend of mine, and he just posted up a video of his reef that I thought you'd all enjoy.

Something to aspire to, to be sure.

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Updated 04-09-2011 at 02:28 PM by melev

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  1. Jnarowe's Avatar
    yeah it's a great tank. I wonder what his sandbed maint. is like?
  2. Mustang's Avatar
    Wow is all i got to say!!! Any idea on the dimensions of the tank?
  3. baker.shawn's Avatar
    great tank, the coral looks awesome jam packed!!! that looks like alot of fish thought!
  4. Hat39406's Avatar
    Beautiful tank!! I have seen it on reef2reef's forum.
  5. Brad Syphus's Avatar
    Thank You Mark and everyone. It's been a busy day here today, our club had a reef tour , and my tank was one of the stops. I had well over a hundred people here and it was crazy all day long. I just sat down and Mark sent me a message telling me he had posted my video. I'm honored Marc. I'll try to answer all the questions you have.
    Jnarowe, Thank you, I try to vacuum small parts of my sand every w/c. Plus I have a sand star, large tigertail sea cuc, and seven leopard wrasses that keep my sandbed stireed up all the time.

    Mustang, Thank you, The dimensions are 72l x 30w x 24 h= 225 gallons.

    Baker.shawn, Thank You, The coral is thriving, and growing well everyday. I have 42 fish living the life of luxury.

    Hat39406, Thank you as well. I do get around. LOL
  6. melev's Avatar
    How big a water change do you do, and how often?
  7. Brad Syphus's Avatar
    I do a 25 gallon w/c every other week. I run a very large skimmer and a bio-denitrator as well to keep my water pristine for the acros.

  8. Blown76mav's Avatar
    That's a great looking tank, thanks for sharing. What kind of lighting if you don't mind.
    Updated 04-10-2011 at 03:49 PM by Blown76mav (more questions.)
  9. melev's Avatar
    I've noticed with Deltec calcium reactors, they usually don't have more than a 1/3 of the chamber filled with media. Why is that?

    Your gear is doing a great job keeping up. Do you have a UPS connected to your Korallin reactor?
  10. Brad Syphus's Avatar
    I don't fill mine up because of the aquabee pumps they have on them. The achilles heel of the system.
    In five years I've gone through 4 pumps and just bought another one. They need to find a pump that can handle the amount of media they suggest. Aquabee can't.
  11. Brad Syphus's Avatar
    I don't know what you mean by UPS??
  12. melev's Avatar
    A friend of mine in Austin has the same problem. The pumps overheat.

    A UPS like you use for a computer to provide power during an outage. I've heard that denitrators need one because if it is without power for over 30 minutes, the bacteria within dies.
  13. Brad Syphus's Avatar
    Never heard that. I cant see why it would die when you are only dripping the water out of it at a very slow rate. The water that is in the vessel has to be in there much longer than 30 minutes. I'll have to check that out. Doesn't make sense to me.
  14. melev's Avatar
    Please let me know.
  15. Brad Syphus's Avatar
    Marc, Here are a couple of recent pictures, mainly fish.

  16. melev's Avatar
    Stunning tank, as always. I hope I can catch up to yours some day.
  17. Jnarowe's Avatar
    Holy Carp.
  18. Brad Syphus's Avatar
    No carp in my tank. LOL
  19. Hat39406's Avatar
    Beautiful fish!!
  20. Brad Syphus's Avatar
    I made another video last night.
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