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Giant bizarre deep sea fish filmed in Gulf of Mexico

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Extraordinary footage of a rarely seen giant deep sea fish has been captured by scientists.
Using a remotely operated vehicle, they caught a rare glimpse of the huge oarfish, perhaps the first sighting of the fish in its natural setting.
The oarfish, which can reach 17m long, has previously only been seen on a few occasions dying at the sea surface, or dead washed ashore.
The scientists also filmed for the first time the behaviour of a manefish.

Mark Benfield from Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, US was undertaking a survey as part of the Serpent project, a collaboration between marine scientists and energy companies such as BP, Shell, Chevron and Petrobras working in the Gulf of Mexico.

Read more and see some creepy video at the BBC:

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Tags: fish, oddities


  1. melev's Avatar
    Nice entry! Thanks for sharing it.