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Small Hiatus? Coming back after a bit.

Rating: 2 votes, 5.00 average.
Wow, I had no idea it's been so long since I've been back here! I let my hobby slide a bit due to some professional studies. However, I just learned an old friend of mine was into saltwater, and I reminded myself to come back here and see what all I've missed. Man, have I missed alot! Looking forward reading more!

Also, I want to start working on my "Aquaria" circle in Google Plus, so if anyone is on there, let me know! (also, make sure your profile has something with Aquaria on it, or I won't know ((grin))

So, let's see, what all has happened since I left. Well, my 250gal plans are still in effect, and I just keep adding and adding to them. Complete with the fully automated ATO using Apex controllers, SICCE Powerheads (which I really like), and my own DIY sump. Until it comes to full fruition, I'll just have to keep envying everyone else's setups.


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  1. Hat39406's Avatar
    Welcome back Neelixx!! I missed reading your post. Give us some pics so we can have a visual of where ya at.
  2. melev's Avatar
    Welcome back. I'm also on Google+ - just look for melevsreef and let me know. I have a lot of people in the Friends circle, although Aquaria is a much better idea actually.
  3. jlemoine2's Avatar
    I'm not cool enough for Google+... they are not allowing any more users to join for now. You guys are ahead of the curve!
  4. Jessy's Avatar
    Welcome back. I'm on google+ but I don't ever use it :P