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Underwater in my Tank

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Make sure and watch it in HD... This is the first trial run, so they should only get better!!!!

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Updated 04-28-2010 at 01:33 PM by MeVsTheWorld



  1. Jessy's Avatar
    As a photographer I'll say that I love the entrance to the water. such a surreal feeling being dunked in a tank. I love the music, the only think I'd suggest is to go a lot slower and/or just stick the camera in one spot for 5 second without moving it at all then splice it into another still shot. If you are going to move it around, maybe attach it to a stick so you can rest the end on the side of the tank for smoother movement. That favia at 1:31 is just insanely sick and so are some of your zoas. "holy crap" does not do it justice.
  2. melev's Avatar
    And keep your finger out of the way. hehe Nice video - thanks for sharing.
  3. MeVsTheWorld's Avatar
    Thanks guys!! It was an impulse post, I had to share I have been working on making a cool video with stills and all. My tank isn't very big, so it's kinda hard to navigate the camera and still figure out what I'm filming.

    Melev: That's a LE finger leather
  4. melev's Avatar
    Too funny - nice one.

  5. VitalApparatuz's Avatar
    excellent !