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Leaking display :(

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Yeah, my display tank has a small leak. Luckily, not catastrophic, especially after just having the basement dry out from my last flood, lol! Tomorrow I have to move everything downstairs to my coral propagation and fish broodstock tanks and drain the display until we can find a replacement tank. Jon engineered the system so it can run without the display, so once the display is empty I just have to turn a ball valve before I fire the pump back up.

Still, this is not my ideal plan for a tuesday.... I already have to do the preschool run in the am, get the boy back home for lunch and naptime, pick the girls up from school, take everyone to gymnastics, get the dog to the vet while the kids are at gymnastics, then home for dinner, homework and bed. PHEW!!!!

Add that to me not being able to sleep tonight for fear of a tank contents all over my floor, and tomorrow should be an AWESOME day! lol

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  1. Paulo's Avatar
    Good luck with tank. Cannot help you I live in Ann Arbor(saw post at another site). Hope it is not serious. Paulo
  2. kileysmama's Avatar
    Thanks. Not serious yet, but emptying it is definitely a priority.....
  3. Jessy's Avatar
    Good luck with your transfer
  4. kileysmama's Avatar
    It went pretty smoothly. I started hauling rock downstairs shortly after 9am, and had the water drained by 12:30-ish. Just in time to feed my kids lunch. All that other stuff I had scheduled today didn't happen thanks to my oldest waking up with pinkeye. No school today!!!! Or tomorrow, or thursday..... sigh.

    Anyhow, my display is drained down to the substrate, my coral propagation tanks are FULL and my fish broodstock tanks have a few extra inhabitants at the moment. Now to decide what to do about a replacement tank......
  5. melev's Avatar
    So you don't plan to mend it?
  6. kileysmama's Avatar
    Possibly. It all depends on what we find once the substrate is gone. If the bottom panel is cracked, it'll cost almost as much to replace that glass as it would to buy a brand new tank. (we're lucky enough to live a few hrs away from a glass tank mfg) If it really is a seam leak, we'll go from there. Jon is less than enthused about the re-sealing option, since he works 12 hr days during the week, and I work all day saturday. He also claims he's never been able to remove tank trim in one piece, so he's concerned we'd need to replace that as well. Plus, it's winter in michigan, and we have no space inside the house big enough to do a reseal job on this puppy. He'd have to heat the garage for 48hrs straight to work and let the silicone cure. That takes a fair bit of propane!

    We'll have to see what the story is as things progress.
  7. melev's Avatar
    That makes sense to me as well. I don't know how I personally would feel about a repair job vs a new tank with a warranty. I'd probably find a new tank too.
  8. upster's Avatar
    Congrats on the new tank! From where I sit Id be pleased as punch that the tank did not fail. I have been there myself. I hope you did not lose anything. I would be interested if you can give details on the fast start of your new tank. I personally am going to tear down my tank to replace the stand and would like to know what problems to look out for, risks of live stock loss, ect.
  9. melev's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by upster
    I personally am going to tear down my tank to replace the stand and would like to know what problems to look out for, risks of live stock loss, ect.
    Perhaps this article will help you then:
  10. kileysmama's Avatar
    Well, so far the only loss we've had was my diamond sleeper goby. He jumped, even though I had all but an inch of his tank covered. I'm tossing around the idea of trying to find a pair to replace him with. For some reason, I'm all about pairs lately, lol! *Might* have something to do with my fish breeding interest....