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Should I Use Pellet Food?

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I always thought pellet food was one of the best foods to feed your fish in that it was packed with a wide variety of nutrients, and that the fish has to eat all of it, not just pick and choose their favorites from a frozen food slurry. However, I was reading an article on fish nutrition and noticed that the author did not recommend using pellets?


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Updated 10-08-2011 at 11:23 PM by melev

Questions - Need some input


  1. DJ in WV's Avatar
    Worst thing I have found about pellets and flake type food is the fact it contains fish meal which is whole ground fish bones and all. Fish bone are a source of po4. I alternate between pellets and frozen food but when I feed the pellets I add very small amounts 5 or 6 times thur the day and any nlarge feedings are done with frozen
  2. kayl's Avatar
    I use New Life Spectrum pellet foods and have found that most people highly recommend them.
  3. DJ in WV's Avatar
    That is what I use as well no fish meal and would be my only recommendation krill is the main ingredient
  4. DJ in WV's Avatar
    I just read the article and what the author is trying to say is that there is not one feed all food the will cover your whole tank. If you have all 3 types on feeders in your tank you have to feed them all. Marine fish are very specialized feeders and this has a direct reflection on the the nutritional requirements of the species. There is no one fix all feed for your tank. Its no different than people being able to eat only salad and be healthy everything the boby needs just isnt there