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Mandarin Setosa

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My lfs owner called me today and said he would have a mandarin setosa coming in today. I googled this coral to try and get a better understanding of the placement and care needs. It looks to have a really strong orange/red color and it's seems to have guidelines for care like other montipora, but I was wondering if any of y'all have this coral & if so where is it's placement in u're tank w/ reguards to flow & lighting.

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  1. baker.shawn's Avatar
    wow i wish my LFS would call me when the good stuff came in!

    ive never even heard of this coral, i just googled it, it looks pretty kool
  2. Blake's Avatar
    I have one. keep it mid level in the tank keep ur calcium and alk 400-450 and 8-10 and u will be fine. very easy coral. I would recommend it for the intermediate reefer
  3. baker.shawn's Avatar
    Dont forget to post pics when you get it!!
  4. melev's Avatar
    Do you mean Montipora setosa? Mandarins are usually fish.
  5. TDTA1181's Avatar
    I was confused about the Mandarin part also I know it is in the montipora family. I'd post pics but I don't know how to do that. I'm just enough computer savy to get on this site. It's not an awesome frag like i hoped it would be either but maybe i can get it lookin' bigger/better over the course of this yr.
  6. melev's Avatar
    If you have a picture of the coral in question, you can attach it to your blog entry. If it already is on the web, you can paste in the URL to the image in question and share it that way.

    One day I'm going to find some screen capture software and create a few helpful videos to show how to do stuff on my site.
  7. TDTA1181's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by melev
    If you have a picture of the coral in question, you can attach it to your blog entry. If it already is on the web, you can paste in the URL to the image in question and share it that way.

    One day I'm going to find some screen capture software and create a few helpful videos to show how to do stuff on my site.
    I've got a bunch of i-phone pics of tank and corals I just dont know how to transfer them to computer and onto this site.
  8. melev's Avatar
    From the iPhone, email them to yourself. Look at Camera Roll, click Share in the upper right corner, then select a few images. Then click the Arrow in the lower left and select Email. Email it to yourself, then you can share them on R.A. via the Attach Images option.

    I don't have a more elegant option yet that will circumvent this effort, but hopefully the vbulletin app will solve that for those of us that are willing to pay for such a convenience.