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Colt Coral Spawning

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So I'm writing this at 2:28 EST in an effort to:

Try my best to document the spawning of my leather coral. I've seen hard coral spawn, gorgonians, but have yet to see a leather tree coral spawn. I will update this on Sunday evening with pictures, but for the moment, this is so I don't leave out details I would otherwise forget.

Spawn noticed at approx. 2:09 am EST. All flow turned off immediately to determine source.

Small white dots. Gametes? Eggs? < or = 1mm.

Float to the surface. Some small fish consume them (damsels, anthias) others simply ignore.

At approx. 2:15 can see a lot of the egg/gametes building up inside the arms. Exiting through the polyps of the animal as like typical coral spawnings.

As of 2:42 am I can count maybe 300 eggs/gametes? Arms look filled with at least another 1,000 or so. Gorgonians definitely consuming spawn. Montipora Digitata maybe spawning as well? Heavy feeding of tank earlier in evening, approx. 11:35-45 pm EST. PE Mysis, frozen rotifers, RN ROE and Oyster Feast.

3:01 am one Vortech resuming flow. No digitata spawn. Seeing if increase in flow creates increase in speed of the release of egg/gamete/things. Contemplating capturing some of spawn.

Single pump showing no effect, returning all pumps to normal on position, same as when spawning began, 3:18 am

Things to note:
SG: 1.026 per refractometer
Nitrate: 0 per API test
Temperature: 79 F
Protein skimmer: Not happy.

10 gallon water change Monday. 10 gallon water change Tuesday. First water changes in 3 months. I know, I know. Wednesday large Sarcophyton leather moved near current spawning leather tree. Polyps retracted on spawning leather tree since Wednesday, today first day of full polyps extension. No visible contact seen between the two corals, invisible contact assumed and very likely.

3:29 am fish wondering what the HELL am I doing still bothering them. Turning off blue viewing led strip, letting system run. No collection of egg/gamete/planulae/things, going to bed.

Got a few decent pictures, a decent video, and will update this post on Sunday evening after work. Now so tired. Go. to. sleeeeeeeeeeeee....

EDIT: A little past Sunday now! Finally a couple of pictures and a little video!

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Updated 05-14-2013 at 11:20 PM by FlammySnake

Tank Entry , ‎ Propagation - fish & corals , ‎ Photography/Video


  1. melev's Avatar
    Awesome - can't wait to see the pictures!
  2. melev's Avatar
    That colt is massive! I have a feeling it would have spawned more strongly with the flow on, but it makes it really tough to photograph and video.

    My favorite part of watching that happen in my system is seeing the eggs just propel themselves away from the coral polyp like an astronaut on a space walk.

    None of your fish came out to snack on the eggs?