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Why did I do that?!?!

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Can we post stuff about something going wrong here? lol
I decided last night to syphon a bit of the substrate, and put a power head to the rocks and back of my rocks cause there has been too much detritus to my likings that was accumilating.. basically sending crap everywhere.. so i did a little water changer afterwards to try and pick up the most i could..

My yellow tang today has quite a few white spots on him... I have never had ich in that tank that I know of, and I know they are pretty sentive though.. so do you think he may just be irritated? or is it definately ich?.. or just play the waiting game?

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Updated 01-12-2010 at 12:59 PM by melev

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  1. Mits's Avatar
    Why do I put new frags in risky places while finding "just the right" spot for them? I've lost lots of new prized frags with this stupid practice. I recently lost my new 3 polyps of PPE behind rocks when some crab or other nightstalker knocked it off it's perch. I have yet to find them, they are likely dead now.
  2. melev's Avatar
    It could be that the Yellow Tang's immune system is down due to the stress from your recent desire to really clean things up. I'd focus on providing garlic-dosed food for the next few days to encourage your fish to eat heartily and hope she can shake it off. Ich tends to always be present but if the fish are strong, they can hold their own. To have a completely ich-free tank, it has to have been up for at least six weeks fallow (fish-less), and no other water can ever go in the system, period. That means even nets, magnets, basters, etc... anything that is wet can transfer over the trophants that came in from a recent purchase contained bagged water.

    Rather than fear it, I try to keep my tank very stable and I overfeed to keep my fish fat. I feel a fat fish is tougher than a lean one.
  3. melev's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Mits
    Why do I put new frags in risky places while finding "just the right" spot for them? I've lost lots of new prized frags with this stupid practice. I recently lost my new 3 polyps of PPE behind rocks when some crab or other nightstalker knocked it off it's perch. I have yet to find them, they are likely dead now.
    Gluing those frags in place is better than simply balancing them in place, but even a glued down frag may be ripped from the glue by a crab that feels the urge to investigate a little too thoroughly. Try to find those frags as soon as they vanish, and get them secured with putty or super glue gel.
  4. VulcanRider's Avatar
    Well ich doesnt just show up, it has an incubation period and I would say that after a few months with no ich that your good to go. Ich doesnt have a life cycle that allows it to remain dormant over a long period of time with no host. So it could be something else that stressed out the tang. possibly a type of fungus.
  5. TheBChamp's Avatar
    Who knows!!.. it may have came in with my damsel about a year back, but he has always been pretty tough. I understand the lifecycle of ich, and after a little over a month with no host around it should technically die off.. However IMO I don't think most aquariums are ever 100% safe from ich.. afterall it is an inclosed system.. I dunno, a pretty debatable subject for sure..

    I was thinkin I could maybe try a QT with a 10 gal I have, but dont want to stress out the fish too much..(all 2 of them)..
    Melev, you said garlic.. my resources are really low right now and im assuming your talking about Garlic Guard or whatever.. can fresh garlic me mixed?.. cause im always stocked on that.. lol
  6. VulcanRider's Avatar
    I fear the day when ich starts morphing, like bacteria we encounter each day, to start adapting to our tanks. Like bacteria that is now resistant to our antibacterial soaps and what not. Maybe it started already and we dont know about it.

    The 10 gallon would be fine for the two of them.

    I have used real garlic juice from when you press it. I have also read in a few places that garlic may not have the beneficial potency for fish like it does humans.

    Hows the yellow tang looking?
  7. TheBChamp's Avatar
    Well last night he had quite a few spots on him.. but was still grazing along and stuff.. this morning he seemed to have less spots.. the lights were not on yet though.. i put a bit of food and they both ate, so that's good i guess
  8. melev's Avatar
    Fresh garlic is fine. You can buy minced garlic at your supermarket, and usually the liquid in that jar is what I'd skim off to presoak the food. I'm referring to its use as an appetite inducer. If you have a way to chop it up very finely, even better.
  9. TheBChamp's Avatar
    So I tried it with real garlic last night.. pressed it and chucked it up as finely as my patience allowed me to go. For starters my tang still had spots but a lot less then the previous night. So we will see tonight.. I sure he will be fine.
  10. VulcanRider's Avatar
    Hows it looking now?