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what the hell is in my tank!

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I need help with this one... about 1" long... EXTREMELY FAST... swimming all through the tank... I don't know if this is a baby eel or what the hell it is, I just saw it for the first time tonight, and it's zipping all over the place.... I have a terrible phone video of it if anybody can help id this

I'm going to try and trap it so I can get some more pics

Update: I caught the bastard (actually he caught himself and swam into the cup... here's a better video... it's actually red... possibly a bristle worm... but I didn't think they actually SWAM like this

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Updated 04-29-2010 at 01:31 AM by melev

Tank Entry


  1. Snakebyt's Avatar
    i have never seen a bristleworm act like that, but it is defenatly weird
  2. Douwant2play's Avatar
    that is crazy!
  3. melev's Avatar
    Photobucket is in back up mode, but you may have some of these?
  4. dread240's Avatar
    that looks pretty similar to 'em marc, do you know if they're bad for the tank or are they ok in case I see anymore?
  5. melev's Avatar
    It shouldn't be bad for the tank, but your images were a bit blurry. One thing I'll say - that was a huge knife! hehe