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As the equipment ages, it must be replaced

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My reef is coming up on 6 years old this August, and some of the gear is definitely showing signs of wear. As I look at various items, I know they have to be replaced with new components which of course cost more money. Knowing that, I drag my feet because I like to eat too.

As you know, this week I had to swap out my return pump. Essentially, that was free. Here are the details if you missed it:

My Calcium reactor's circulation pump has been getting noisy for some time now, and the plastic looks scorched. It's a Mag 7 that I've had running around the clock for at least two years if not longer. I just ordered a new one from Jeff and , which will come in next week.

The CO2 tank needs a new regulator - I'm currently using a loaner from a club member - so I placed an order for one from today, which will come with a three year warranty. It is the digital bubble counter type, rather than a conventional bubble counter.

Had I had to purchase all three items this week, I would have spent over $500. Glad I make a living with Melev's Reef. LOL If you need a sump or RO unit, help me keep my reef alive.

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  1. fchidsey's Avatar
    I feel your pain, Not to mention regular replacement items like MH lights UV bulbs Quattz sleeves that break when you replace the UV bulb.

    I would venture to say that to be a responsible reef keeper that one should plan for about 1.00 per gallon per month for things like electric, water, food, and other reef keeping essentials.

    Do you know of anybody that has put together a monthly cost analysis?
  2. melev's Avatar
    There are certain things you can ascertain, like what it costs in electricity or in water each month. I did some figuring in the past.

    This was what I came up with for electricity in 2008 and 2009:

    I also did some math on what water costs me, and how much is used annually. I did a search but can't find my entry on that topic. As far as I can remember, I'm using about 12,000g per year including waste water, and I'm pretty sure it was costing me less than .02 per(pure) gallon. If I had to buy filters retail and factor in the water bill from the city, it would be .06 per pure RO/DI gallon of water.

    And last year, I also wanted to figure out what it would cost per gallon to set up a reef tank in today's economy. I'll have to do an article on that one, as it is a good topic.
  3. fchidsey's Avatar
    Good Stuff.

    I also wanted to figure out what it would cost per gallon to set up a reef tank in today's economy. I'll have to do an article on that one, as it is a good topic
    That number is not going to be pretty. A hobby well worth the investment but not pretty.
  4. marks69's Avatar
    i'm close to 2000 without livestock for my 110.
  5. Snakebyt's Avatar
    dont do it, if you actually put pen to paper and see how much these things cost us, you might not like it.. lol
  6. melev's Avatar
    Mark, you're doing a good job saving money so far. When you see my totals, you'll be surprised.

    FYI, I know the total per gallon because I figured it up last fall. It never was released on Reefcast, so I'll just have to make it an article.
  7. melev's Avatar
    Oh, I just remembered I also ordered six more refugium bulbs with their flat shipping rate for another $78. Goodness, what a week.

    When I talked to the rep over the phone at LightBulbsDirect, he told me it was very popular for the aquarium trade, and how a number of stores carry them. With good reason: I've been promoting them for years!

    Three for 2010, and three more for 2011. Now they just have to arrive intact. Here's hoping.
  8. Turbosek's Avatar
    melev, i just bought a CO2 regulator from them...the analog version of the one you bought. Have not used it yet.
  9. melev's Avatar
    I wanted the analog one, but it's not on their site and they never replied to my email request. Grrr.
  10. melev's Avatar
    The new Mag 7 arrived on Thursday, and the new regulator arrived Friday. I had to refill the CO2 tank yesterday. I'm going to get the calcium reactor going again later today.