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Rip to my reef tank explanation!!!

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For all of those who read my previous blog sorry, I guess I didnt explained my self well. What happened with my tank? Well I was in a job training and my wife wanted to get another dog. Well me knowing how my kids are I said no. Not that Im being mean or anything. it is because three times I bought a dog and had to give it away because no one takes care of it. Thats not fair to the animal. If i wanted the reponsability, I buy one.Thats why I had a reef tank because it is something I take care off. She got so upset that I said no, that she took my fish and gave them away and took all the water out of my tank. killing all of my corals and invertabrates. Well you could imagine when I got home!!!!RIP my reef tank. Thank you for your comments.Sorry melev I know I got you all confused.Im going to get divorced and another tank.Buuuaaaaaahhhhaaaahaaa

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  1. fchidsey's Avatar
    Wow there are many things I could say about that but it would be very inappropriate therefore I will just say sorry about your tank man that really sucks.
  2. agsansoo's Avatar
    Ouch ... ! Sorry to hear of your loss.
  3. Josediaz0311's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by fchidsey
    Wow there are many things I could say about that but it would be very inappropriate therefore I will just say sorry about your tank man that really sucks.
    You could say the many things you wanted to say. It wont bother. What bother me was what happened,because I dont think she had that right. Thanks for your comment.
  4. fchidsey's Avatar
    I hope it works out for you and it comes to a um.... peaceful and amicable resolution. I wish you the best.
  5. melev's Avatar
    Hey, that's pretty harsh. I had a small tank when I was 11, and enjoyed it while it lasted.

    The day I walked out of the courthouse with my divorce papers in hand, I went straight to the nearest LFS and bought my 29g that so many followed during its 7 year stretch. So when you said you're getting divorced to get a new tank, I completely understand.

    I didn't understand your first blog because you said she killed the tank. There are a few ways of doing so, as well as it being metaphorical. That's why I kept asking what happened.

    The dog thing is so true. My wife wanted a pet, but never wanted to deal with it. An indoor dog or cat bothered her as well. We had a few different dogs over the years, but we never got attached to one because of her attitude. She has that same attitude to this day, I'm sad to say - poor animals! My son and I adopted a nice cocker spaniel after we moved into this house, and it was with us for about 5 or 6 years until it died of old age. For the past 2 years, I didn't get anything else and simply enjoyed my reef. In late March, I adopted a bunny from a club member that lives indoors and keeps me company when I watch tv.

    I'm sorry you had to go through that. It's almost criminal what she did. Good luck dealing with that type of person.
  6. Douwant2play's Avatar

    No Bueno! Man I don't think I would be on RA if my wife did this, I would probably be explaining myself to the authorities!
  7. Blennymower's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Douwant2play

    No Bueno! Man I don't think I would be on RA if my wife did this, I would probably be explaining myself to the authorities!

    WOW! I can only say if I got home to what you came to, the stare I would give that woman prior to going nuts would be enough to scare her into running out the door and never coming back.

    Good luck and sorry for the loss.
  8. Paulo's Avatar
    Sorry about your tank. Hope everything goes well.
  9. stangchris's Avatar
    wow i thought i was the only to pack my bags over my tank (kinda other stuff also, but tank was in top 5 reasons). good luck sorry you didnt get a chance to save the tank before it got ruined.