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Hello from the Central Coast

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Hello! This is my first post here, just found the site. I was recommended here by another "banned from RC" . Looks like a unique board. Once I get enough posts to please the mods I will start a local club group for our local, the Central Coast Reef Club.
I have been keeping boxes of water for over a decade, and reef nearly that long. But I have learned that no matter how much you think you know or how long you have been in, there is always more knowledge to gain. And luckily there are always individuals willing to share that knowledge. Hopefully this site will be one of those great places full of information exchange and help to make everyone's reefkeeping experiences more enjoyable. Let me know if I can help anyone out in any way!

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Updated 01-10-2010 at 09:18 PM by Jessy

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  1. VulcanRider's Avatar
    Welcome Evo!
  2. Plantguy's Avatar
    Welcome, Sounds like you have the right outlook on life!
  3. Jessy's Avatar
    Welcome! And here's your group
  4. melev's Avatar
    URL added.
  5. evoracer's Avatar
    Awesome, thank you!