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BP Burning Sea Turtles Alive?

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Hi guys Please join the cause & stop using BP products as they are not doing enough to help the clean up infact they are making matters worse & nobody is doing much about the situation. We reefers in South Africa are starting to join forces & stop using BP products & would like fellow reefers world wide to join us as this could get BP to speed up the clean up & start thinking of what they are actually doing. There are several marine species that are already on the endangered list that have been wiped out & may be extinct. Please help & join the cause. Your support will be greatly appreciated. Thanks & Peace Be Thy Journey Happy Reefing

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  1. melev's Avatar
    Here's the article MistaOrange was referring to:
  2. MistaOrange's Avatar
    Thanks melev I should have posted that as well!
  3. MistaOrange's Avatar
    WoW I thought this would at least draw some peoples attention but it seems as if nobody cares what happens to the worlds marine life. Well at least I tried. I can't believe that some people especially reefers don't care about their surroundings!!!!!
  4. Hat39406's Avatar

    Well, first let me say that your last comment has little meaning to us Reef Addicts. You come in and post something, if I’m not mistaken for the first time. Accuse us of not caring when you see no replies. That’s crazy! We are the true reefers my friend, you are what they call an “activist”. There is a difference in those meanings and I suggest you look them up. I personally can say I read your blog and followed the link, I care. I have a degree in geography, I care! Just because you see no replies doesn’t mean we don’t care.

    Furthermore, if you were a true reefer yourself and came in this forum on a regular basis you would know some of the bloggers in here and KNOW that we care. So, either get to know us by becoming a regular or take your activist some place else.

    I mean this in a friendly way, if you are a reefer get to know us,

  5. MistaOrange's Avatar
    Sorry Hat yes it's the first time I'm posting & no I'm no activist just a concerned reefer who has had enough. Which is trying to get fellow reefers world wide to join & stand together as one. Sorry for the misunderstanding I'm sure many do care, I was just lest just say being an idiot by not giving the people a chance to say anything.
  6. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Good luck with that boycott. Remember, all plastics are made from Petroleum, including Acrylic and PVC, and there's no way to determine which company provided the oil to make them. I hate what's happening in the Gulf too, but I just can't see a boycott doing any good, or even being at all practical.
  7. MistaOrange's Avatar
    Thanks Phil but I believe that if all reefers make stand together as one then just maybe that could help a bit.
  8. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    And do what exactly? eliminate all plastic from our lives? All synthetic materials, all processed chemicals? You'd have to eliminate silicon, and any glass that was melted with oil based energy sources. Heck, even the food for our tanks (and our selves) comes packaged in plastic. So what exactly are you planning to boycott?