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Overflow boxes - Splash

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Splash was a problem in overflow boxes. See the photo taken before made little changes. Instead of water falling and make noise, now it smoothly slide down without any splash and noise..

Overflow before thin glass

Overflow After thin glass

Over flow After thin Glass water sliding

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Updated 07-08-2010 at 07:37 AM by melev



  1. NightShade's Avatar
    I use a double intake durso in my system so that water only has about an inch to fall in my system. You can actually see it pretty well in a picture while I was doing a system water test.

    You can get another look and instructions on making them over at
  2. seapug's Avatar
    The real problem comes with the distance the water has to fall. If space is limited or you can't put a riser tube in the drain to raise the water level you can use gurgle busters-- basically just a vented pvc cap that sits on top of the drain tube in the overflow. Very simple, they only cost a few bucks and work very well.
  3. melev's Avatar
    Your method worked - that's what counts. In this hobby, there are a variety of ways of tackling almost any topic. Myself, I would have raised the water level in the overflow box like Nightshade & seapug suggested.
  4. Hat39406's Avatar
    Hey, not to steal the blog..heh..but my internal overflow has a long fall and makes noise. I can just add a Durso system to mine? All there is to it is the pvc piping it looks like from the site posted right. The pic on the site shows a pic but there is a vent at the top right? Its hard to make out in the pic.
  5. NightShade's Avatar
    Hat, The durso's do have a vent in them, just a small hole drilled in the cap, or in my case in the top of the "T". You just have to walk a fine line in hole size too big of a hole and it doesn't suck enough water and then you could overflow/or other problems, too small and it can siphon too well and have a sucking/flushing sound. If you find you have a hole too large I would get a piece of rigid airline and insert that into your cap, then get a flexible piece of airline and a control valve. . .then you can fine tune your system.
  6. Hat39406's Avatar
    Thanks NightShade! I think that it would work out good for my system. I bought all kinds of tubing fittings and tubing for another project i'm thinking about doing. I could just insert a control valve at first to maybe eliminate any problems. :-)
  7. Midnight's Avatar
    As far as Durso's go they are a miner fix to a larger problem. People are to friendly with trying to send too much water through their overflow. If you have the right size plumbing then they are dead silent to start with out all the crazy mods. the drop from overflow to water level should be the only noise issue you should be tackling otherwise your pump is too big.