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No caulerpa + no fuge sandbed + no filter sock= Easy Reefin'

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And so far I'm liking it. Life is much easier now. I no longer have to worry about changing and cleaning the filter socks (which I hate), and no sand bed in the refugium section of my sump means I can now stir/vacuum the bottom of the sump to remove detritus .

And call it science or just strange, but ever since, for the past three days, since I removed the Caulerpa I had growing my pH has maintained itself between 8.1-8.15 as opposed to the previous readings of 7.8-7.9. Let's see if this last.

To summarize I'm adopting the regimen I have seen many others use; strong skimming and water changes.

If I ever have issues with NO3 and PO4 then I'll add some chaetomorpha, I don't think I'll return to adding Caulerpa.

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Updated 01-17-2010 at 02:22 AM by melev

Tank Entry


  1. no_Wedge's Avatar
    water changes can't be beat, however i have had great success keeping nitrates down to unreadable with caulpera in my main, Karen uses them in all her tanks.
  2. Blennymower's Avatar
    I have had caulerpa for a long while too. And haven't had a problem with no3 or po4 ever. But for the days I've gone without it no3 and po4 is still undetectable and theres no more risk of it going sexual and causing a crash.