Blog Comments

  1. ghurlag's Avatar
    What are the stats on the fixture? How many bulbs? Any PAR ot Lux readings of the before/after? I am confident that T5's will do the job on a 75g, just curious. Keep us posted!
  2. melev's Avatar

    Be sure to remember to categorize your entries. I fixed yours for you.
  3. melev's Avatar
    That's pretty much what I've done for years with my 29g and 55g. I never used a chiller for those tanks. Of course, in the summer it's expensive to keep the house at 70F, so I'd keep it around 75-76F during the worst of it. If you can raise up your canopy a bit to allow heat to escape, that's an additional method that helps.
  4. VitalApparatuz's Avatar
    New bubble
  5. VitalApparatuz's Avatar
    new meteor shower
  6. VitalApparatuz's Avatar
    Addd a killer red Lobo and a new exquisite wrasse.
  7. Trido's Avatar
    Looking good.
  8. melev's Avatar
    Just tell her you're a registered reef addict and see what she says.
  9. VitalApparatuz's Avatar
    Ok.So Im in the LFS yesterday and one of the workers there (young female) says to me as I come in ,"You must have a crush on someone here" no.I explained to her that I only live about 700 yards from the store and Im fairly new to the hobby and am still stocking my tank.I should have said "Look Im an addict"
    Updated 04-08-2010 at 06:49 AM by VitalApparatuz
  10. VitalApparatuz's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by dlandino
    You are amongst friends.... Last Saturday night and into Sunday morning I was unable to sleep trying to figure out a way to add a fuge to my system. It is a real sickness I tell ya....
    Ya I love my fuge...The chaeto ball just slowly spinning in the light current, the copepods everywhere scooting around.
    I have my drain split with a ball valve set for about 80% to the skimmer, the rest to the fuge.Simple lighting 8 hrs a day.I use the bulb Melev reviewed,pc spotlight type 7$.I have 55g sump that is split evenly 3 ways so my fuge is 18 gallons.
  11. Jessy's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by VitalApparatuz
    I poured my heart out to the addicts hotline,lol...didnt see the 30 second thing till it was too late
    AHahaaa! Its okay. We'll use what we can. I love you guys you know that?
  12. VitalApparatuz's Avatar
    I poured my heart out to the addicts hotline,lol...didnt see the 30 second thing till it was too late
  13. dlandino's Avatar
    You are amongst friends.... Last Saturday night and into Sunday morning I was unable to sleep trying to figure out a way to add a fuge to my system. It is a real sickness I tell ya....
  14. upster's Avatar
    For me the hardest thing when I began saltwater was stopping myself filling my tank with every wicked fish I saw. Its a good thing coral frags were there to fill that void. Previously I had a 135g with african cichlids and it was normal to go "shopping" most weekends.

    Right now though, I am on a patience kick and trying my hardest to let everything grow in. Maybe it is worse that now all I do is press my nose to the glass and watch for new coralites.
  15. VitalApparatuz's Avatar
    you guys are great,thanks so much!
  16. Blennymower's Avatar
    Welcome friend, here we admit we have a problem and we cope with it lol

    Sometimes I think this hobby is unhealthy for me because I can't get the tank off my head!
  17. melev's Avatar
    It must bea California& Tennessee thing, because here in Texas we wear t-shirts and shorts.
  18. Jessy's Avatar
    LOL That's nothin. I've gone into a store 3 times in one day trying to decide if I was going to buy a trio of rainsfordi gobies. Oh and a CBB. And PJ's and club t's are required wear when going to a LFS.
  19. VitalApparatuz's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by rarelyseriousb
    any updates?
    You can go to the Members section,click on a name and then there will be a BLOG tab you can see all blog posts
  20. rarelyseriousb's Avatar
    any updates?