Blog Comments

  1. Reefski's Avatar
    yahoo, how is the livestock doing?
  2. Midnight's Avatar
    Just plain sexy
  3. dread240's Avatar
    luckily the extent of my 'plumbing upgrade' needed for my new tank was a 1/4 OD line for the ro water to my storage container lol... otherwise I'm sure I would have made just as much of a mess
  4. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Ouch, sheet rock and flooding. You're really showing your dedication to the hobby Marc.

    Shark Bite fittings are awesome! They're even being used in commecial buildings now and I've never heard of one failing. Pex pipe is also a wonderful thing.
  5. marks69's Avatar
    you can also pull the cartridge out of it first it your worried. most laundry taps are just a quick screw in. 30 seconds with a pipe wrench and your good to go. if you do heat it up that hot you'll burn off the flux and won't get good penatration.
    i switched to wirsbo flex pipe years ago because of that. i can plumb in a full bathroom in 15 minutes without a leak.
  6. NightShade's Avatar
    sheetrock is a pain. . . Only the pro's like it cause they are used to the work and make good money at it, lol.

    Next time that you are at home depot look at the shark bite fittings. I know it's kinda a compression fitting but it's quick easy and no soldering. And if you upgrade again you can take everything apart and reuse all the fittings again. And since we all know that in about 10 years the garage is going to only be able to hold a little smart car cause you upgraded to a 2000 gallon tank it will save money in the long run.

    Also instead of sweating the valves directly to the pipe get a threaded valve and a threaded nipple then even if there eventually is a problem with the valve, especially since seals do wear out you can get a new one and change it with minimal downtime.

    if you do re-sweat a valve get a small wet rag and wrap it around the valve where the seals are it will help you keep from killing it. You can also do the same thing on old lines to stop the travel of heat through the copper.
  7. Jnarowe's Avatar
    sheet-rocking bites for sure. Not only can you overheat the valves, but if you are in an older home, you could even pop a joint upstream if there are old-school solder joints. Happened to me and it wasn't pretty.
  8. Midnight's Avatar
    What, no pictures, of the geiser at least? I want my money back.
  9. ray356's Avatar
    I hate sheetrocking too - you are making progress and thats what it is all about - keep your eyes on the prize. Thank you for allowing us all to follow along.
  10. gramalkin's Avatar
    19th picture from the top.
  11. Hat39406's Avatar
    Which seller were you from the pics posted? I hope that I can make the next one. Looks like y'all had some nice looking coral. ;-)
  12. gramalkin's Avatar
    That's my little "simple display tank" and it was my first frag swap I've ever sold at. Simple 10g tank, a left over PC light and a power filter and heater (water was COLD when I got there). It was a very good feeling to completely sell out everything I brought before the raffle even started. I was pretty envious of a lot of the LED lights, but I'm just getting started. I'm pretty excited to do it again next time.
  13. Blown76mav's Avatar
    Wow, this makes me want to relocate even more. Frag swaps around here happen once a year if your lucky and not nearly as nice.
  14. mhowe9's Avatar
    Marc sounds like you guys had a good time. Pretty nice looking setups!
  15. Hat39406's Avatar
    Okay. Thanks Marc! ;-)
  16. melev's Avatar
    Stephen is Shaggy420 on DFWMAS. You can PM him over there.
  17. Hat39406's Avatar
    Looks like it was a good time. I wanted to go so bad but could not. ;-( If I could drive I would have been there.

    Marc, how can I contact this person? Pm me with info if you could.
    "Stephen always shows up early and stays late to help with setting up. He uses a huge T5 fixture to light his corals, and uses racks to display corals at different heights."


  18. Jnarowe's Avatar
    sweet gorgonians. very interesting shot of the seahorse. kinda surprising to see it out in the open like that. I have been on a reef in the Red Sea with lots of sharks like that. It's fun until your Dad starts chuming. Thanks Marc!
  19. Jnarowe's Avatar
    Wow...they sure put in a good effort. I would guess the odds weren't great anyway.
  20. melev's Avatar
    No, I thought about it but I've never had issues with Sch40 bulkheads with any of my tanks or sumps, so to make it hold Sch80 seemed completely unnecessary. Had I drilled the bottom of the tank in the main display, I would have done so as they would have to be reliable no matter what I did forever, but for the overflow - it wasn't called for.