Blog Comments

  1. Jessy's Avatar
    I don't want to help you and I won't be coming over to try :P
  2. syedjilani's Avatar
    I will help. I'll reseive my seat, get ticket, submit my passport for USA visa, If I got visit Visa or one day or at least three four hours to help you will be great.
  3. melev's Avatar
    Heh. Are you driving a SmartCar or a Recreational Vehicle? Your Mileage May Vary. :lmao:
  4. mr. fix it's Avatar
    I'll drive there to help if you pay the gas from Sacramento Marc, should I leave now, wait let me rephrase that. you know what i mean.
  5. melev's Avatar
    I posted my initial conclusions in one of my blogs last month, but the full review will come later when I mix up a massive amount for the new tank.
  6. dahenley's Avatar
    cool. first reactions i guess are good. everything mixing well, and parameters are within check?
    (im guessing you will do a review on the new salt later, so if you want to hold off or keep your first reactions quiet till further testing is done, then that is very understandable.)
  7. melev's Avatar
    I've done three water changes in October, and two of them were with the Sybon salt. No issues at all.
  8. dahenley's Avatar
    Marc, have you done a water change on your living room tank system. (i dont know the technical name for it)
    and have you used the new sybon salt? or are you sticking with the usual salt that you have been using to prevent any change or stress? just curious..
  9. dahenley's Avatar
    dang..... I have no college classes on thursday.... but if it doesnt arive till 6 or 7, plus install time, and then a 5 hour drive back for 8:00 AM classes.
    if it were a weekend, i would drive 5 hours to do anything to help (and to meet face to face with a legend!)
    if plans change, update, because i could see myself driving!!
  10. SaltCritters's Avatar
    Sweet. Keep us updated on how it does. I Have been thinking about building my own led lights for the farm.
  11. melev's Avatar
    Tentatively, I'm looking at 6pm to 7pm Thursday, but that won't be locked in until I speak with the shipping company in the A.M. tomorrow.
  12. mledford's Avatar
    I'm going to need some help putting it in place, and am trying to determine the exact time of arrival.
    Marc, I may be able to help you. I live in Carrollton, PM me the time of arrival and I may be able to swing out that direction to give you a hand if needed.
  13. melev's Avatar
    Gotta love the humor of others on a nationwide / international site.
  14. melev's Avatar
    For that sized sump, you could use 1/4" for the entire project. If you prefer 3/8" and want to use 1/4" for the top and bottom, that's fine.
  15. oaksenov's Avatar
    regarding sumps in general. Let say I want to build a 42"x19" sump that is 16" high with 10" baffles. I guess I need to use 3/8 acrylic, but can I safely use 1/4" acrylic for bottom and top brace parts?
  16. Hat39406's Avatar
    I'll help.. What time ya picking me up Marc? ;-p
  17. MeVsTheWorld's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Blown76mav
    +1 on wishing I was living in Texas. But hey your getting my moral support for free.

  18. Blown76mav's Avatar
    +1 on wishing I was living in Texas. But hey your getting my moral support for free.
  19. melev's Avatar
    Start driving. I gave you plenty of notice. hehe
  20. Midnight's Avatar
    If I were in Texas I would gladly help you