Blog Comments

  1. melev's Avatar
    I am. A local club member came over tonight to look at everything and I tried to help him grasp all the areas where something could go wrong. In this semi-running state, there's a lot of room for error. While we were talking, that section of my skimmer fell over, so I quickly cut some PVC pipe to act like a leg to support that section for the time being.

    He'll be checking on the tank daily, and I'll be back Sunday night.
  2. Hat39406's Avatar
    Marc, you should have someone just go to ya house if only to take a visual of things to maKe sure they are alright. Mostly no leaks in system. :-) So you can enjoy ya self without thinking about the situation at home.
  3. melev's Avatar
    I'd like the option to take pictures from the backside of the tank and Starphire has great clarity.
  4. Sheldon's Avatar
    What are your thoughts behind starfire glass on the sump room side?.
  5. melev's Avatar
    I'm only watching the numbers. I was just talking with a friend last week that said with the tank breakdown, this would have been a good time to run a tiny Ozonizer. He may have been right, but I don't have any experience with using one. The livestock has done well without it. /shrug
  6. drimo's Avatar
    Are you actually controlling ORP or just using it to monitor? I have thought about adding an ORP probe even though I don't run Ozone.
  7. melev's Avatar
    Thanks Reefkoi! I'm busy with a project right now, but as soon as that is done I'll be documenting how the tank was broken down and where the livestock is now. I started last night but have a lot of pictures still to edit.
  8. reefkoi's Avatar
    Man whata bummer Marc! atleast you werent sleeping and awoke to a loud boom followed by the sound of waves crashing doen the stairs haha.

    The only good thing here is The Koi will now have to make a stop at your compound for sure now at the next dallas swap!!!

    Good luck man and thanks again for all ther detailed photos!! we love em!!
  9. Brad Syphus's Avatar
    Wow Marc, you have been a busy guy since I came by. Probably one of your last reeferaddicts to see your old tank in all its glory. I'm sure all this hard work will pay off in the end, you were in need of more space anyway. Just sorry to see you have to tear the old one down. I'm glad to hear that everything is still doing well. If I can help in any way let me know.
  10. melev's Avatar
    Some are from test kits, some are from my Aquacontroller 3, and then there's my refractometer. I keep all the data in a spreadsheet, and then create a graphic for my website:
  11. T5FL's Avatar
    Did you type those specs yourself or is there a monitoring device and software that can be purchased to keep tabs on everything like that?, i know its a noob question but im always trying to learn something new and better my tank.
  12. melev's Avatar
    No, I won't have to add a lumenbright. The ones I have were butted against each other. This time I can space them out 4" to 6" apart and still get good coverage.

    My last tank was 30" tall, so this is the same. A pain to work in, but if I had gone shallower, it would have looked squished between the upper and lower woodwork (or walls). There's an aesthetic look that has to be kept in mind.

    No, I won't have to climb in to clean it, I'll have full access from all angles.

    I'll use all the sand I have, and probably more.
  13. Midnight's Avatar
    Well that should keep all the critters happy. How long you gonna have to wait on the new tank? Have heard anything from the concrete companies yet?
  14. maroun.c's Avatar
    Glad to see you upgrading. It will be a long and very costly process (ask me about it) but it's always good to upgrade when yo'r already fixing or moving the tank...
    Felt more confident with the dimensions I chose for my new tank when you chose soemthing very similar( 2 inches deeper and 4 inches longer than my tank...)
    Do you think you'll have to add 1 more LB to cover that length? Is it Taler than the old tank? do you think it'll be easy to work with the new tank at 30 inches tall? would you think you'll have to go inside the tank at least for scaping it?
    How about sad will you add some to it to have a DSB or will you use a shallow Sand bed?
    Looking forward to see the build progress
  15. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    I can donate some brown turf algae for your refugium, or algae scrubber if you want to go that route.

  16. NightShade's Avatar
    I don't know about a sump marc, but I am looking at an RO/DI but have to wait until I am moved and settled a bit for that.
  17. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    You know Marc, the more I follow this thread, the more I like the idea of several nano's linked to a common sump, instead of one big tank.
    Lets see, I've got two 29's, a 20 long a 10 and I can get a 55 cheap. Hmmmm.
  18. melev's Avatar
    A couple of friends of mine are using the Apple wireless battery powered keyboard with their iPhones & iPads. Pretty slick.
  19. melev's Avatar
    I was thinking about moving the plumbing lines since I'd be drilling / hammering away concrete right in that corner. Wow, if I could get access to that sewer line, not only could a rinse sink fit in the (soon to be enlarged apparently) fishroom, but I could have the french drain pour into it as well!

    The only drawback is needing more and more money. I need everyone to tell everyone to buy sumps and RO units from me ASAP.
  20. dread240's Avatar
    yea. I had two options for internet on my phone.

    One is through sprint itself, it allows my htc evo to be a walking wi-fi hotspot for up to 8 devices, but it's 30 bucks a month. The other is a free app called easy tether, that gives you direct usb internet connection to a single device that has root access (meaning it can install drivers for it). At times I had speeds upwards of 385kb/sec on downloads when I had 4g access, it was quite nice.

    I'll be using it all today too here at the house since verizon can't fix my setup until monday