Blog Comments

  1. melev's Avatar
    Added a video of the Auto Feeder dropping food into the acrylic chimney.
  2. melev's Avatar
    Whenever you do that Phil, I totally want to read all about it here.
  3. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Marc, that's pretty sweet. Here's the controller I want to use on my next set up. I took a class on setting up and programming these little industrial controllers a couple years ago, and I'm really impressed with their versatility.
  4. dread240's Avatar
    I'm sure you've probably tried something similar... but that gsp mat that I had with the dead center had quite a bit of algae on it which I think is what did it in. I used one of the syringes from my various kits and blew some of it off, which was really easy once the algae was for the most part dead.

    I was just able to be extremely precise with where I wanted to put the jet by holding it in the typical doctor stickin you with a needle fashion
  5. melev's Avatar
    Cringing slightly, I thought I might as well see what it would have cost me to order the Aquacontroller Jr with DC-8 on Marine Depot. I'm happy to report I saved a lot of money after all. You know how you can save money purchasing online, so I was wondering what could have been. What I have now would have cost $229. Instead, I paid $137 total.

  6. melev's Avatar
    I purchased it from one of the sponsors that advertises on Melev's Reef actually. That was nice, giving them a little business.

    While I was at my LFS (yes, my local fish store as in the one closest to me), I asked if he had a DC8 in stock and picked one up this evening. Now I need to get busy building my new quarantine tank in the near future, now that I have most of my toys amassed.
  7. BigAl07's Avatar
    I'd say SCORE!! I just sold one (with DC-8) for $150... well got $150 credit for it in a trade on a Profilux but dang for $35 .... are you sure it wasn't stolen? Did you get it from some guy on the streets selling it out from under a dark over-coat? Did he had ROLEX watches for $100 too?
  8. dread240's Avatar
    You made your bed, now lay in it!
  9. melev's Avatar
    How do I lock the comments now?
  10. dread240's Avatar
    I personally think for the lost sleep and mental anguish he put some of us through that he should purchase us all aquacontroller jr's and sell them to us for $35... who's with me on that?
  11. fchidsey's Avatar
    No but a good prank can take place any time.
  12. melev's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by fchidsey
    Nice Score I have to admit I thought it was a hoax.
    Why, is it April Fools day where you live?
  13. melev's Avatar
    The ports on the base of this unit are Power, Phone Jack, Serial Port, Temp, & pH. It lights up nicely for easy reading of the display.
  14. Jynxgirl's Avatar
    That is a really nice score for 35$!
  15. fchidsey's Avatar
    Nice Score I have to admit I thought it was a hoax.
  16. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    How many I/O ports does it have?
  17. dread240's Avatar
    yea i was gonna say, the jr with a dc8 should be able to control practically everything you need correct?

    I was planning on the dc8 setup and eventually going to an under the tank sump so I could use a SCWD. Right now I have the 8 outlet coralife digital power strip and am using every socket on it :-\

    The plan is to basically get myself situated in a stable enough setup for sps corals in my current 29 before I upgrade... which I think when I do upgrade it'll probably be a 72 bowfront
  18. melev's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Midnight
    Not bad for 35 bones. I would have thought the fancy controller on the main tank would have had the ability to control the quarantine tank
    That would require an extra pH and temperature probe, and it would have to be close enough to run the wires.
  19. melev's Avatar
    I plan to use it to control the light, the heater, and the cooling fan. I don't believe there are enough ports on the Jr. to let me control the ATO. I'm planning to build a bigger all-in-one quarantine tank that will be more stable than the one I have now. I was planning on the Reefkeeper Lite since it was only $99, but this was a bargain. I still have to buy some x-10 modules; or maybe I'll stumble on a DC8 as well. I have a pH probe that I can use with it.
  20. Hat39406's Avatar
    What is that for ph and temp?