Blog Comments

  1. melev's Avatar
    10% a day is ideal. 3g on a 30g.
  2. gr8t1dini's Avatar
    I'll need to measure it and get back to you.
  3. gr8t1dini's Avatar
    How many gallons daily would you recommend on a 30g breeder? 5g daily?
  4. melev's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by gr8t1dini
    I need to pick up a peace keeper from you.
    Sure thing. I just need to know what size fits your tank span so it hangs correctly.
  5. melev's Avatar
    At least 14 days. Observe the fish to make sure they remain healthy looking, and feed them often to fatten them up. Get them used to the food you offer so they recognize it quickly when they are in the main tank. And keep up with your daily small water changes in the QT to keep the water quality in good condition.
  6. gr8t1dini's Avatar
    After using safety stop how long should I quarantine the fish for?
  7. gr8t1dini's Avatar
    I need to pick up a peace keeper from you.
  8. melev's Avatar
    It could be the probe is dirty. When ORP drops, or starts fresh (~200 or so), it usually takes days to rise to the true measurement in my tanks. It appears to be more gradual in my experience.
  9. brotherd's Avatar
    Just checked and orp is 366. No ozone. When I changed the phosphate media yesterday morning it dropped to 270 but has been climbing back up since. Seriously I have seen 420 without ozone. Perhaps the probe is faulty? I am using a red Sea unit but haven't used the ozone generator in months nor the air pump.
  10. melev's Avatar
    ORP is more about dissolved oxygen in the water. Most items should affect it greatly. Chemi Clean used to drop it like a rock. Dosing too much Vitamin C at once will do it as well (scary hour of my life).

    If you don't run Ozone, I don't know how you can hit 420. 425 is the top end for most Ozone users. They have their controller shut it off to avoid it going higher.
  11. brotherd's Avatar
    Hmm. That's what's interesting to me. My tank swings between 270 and 420 depending on what I have dosed,fed,or changed. I know stability is key but I haven't found my keys yet lol. I look at orp as an indicator of water quality. Am I wrong here?
  12. melev's Avatar
    I usually soak the probes in vinegar and water but a couple of months ago I was told to never do that. So I'm resorting to a toothbrush, gently cleaning the probe. Guess I could soak it in RO/DI water without damage. I don't really care what the reading is for ORP, but historically my tanks run around 280-325 over a year's time.
  13. brotherd's Avatar
    Marc, I monitor orp as well. How do you clean the probe? Do you find your reading to be lower than you want?
  14. Trido's Avatar
    I need to start shooting in RAW again. There is so much more you can do with editing.
  15. melev's Avatar
    I have a IR remote - nothing touches the camera during the shutter release.
  16. BulkHead's Avatar
    I really like that... I think a cable release would be easier for you, assuming your model has that option. Nice pics...
  17. Reefski's Avatar

    i have those same books.
  18. melev's Avatar
    You'd think after all this time I'd know my stuff, but I'm still learning.
  19. melev's Avatar
    Thank you, but I need to keep working on this for a while. I'm very critical of my photography and often don't like what I'm importing at first. After I spend some time cleaning the images up, I begin to like them better.
  20. melev's Avatar
    I'll stop the flow to the refugium or simply turn off the return pump. All the macro algae will be pulled out and placed in a bucket and all the sand scooped out into a different bucket. I have a full bucket of sand in the garage now that needs to be rinsed clean, so I may get that done first and have it ready to refill the cleaned out refugium zone. Then, all I do is add the plants and water back in, and it is online once more.