Blog Comments

  1. melev's Avatar
    Keep in mind that luck is all in your point of view. Was I lucky to catch it after 1 gallon had spilled? Was I lucky the entire seam didn't let go? Was I lucky I was at home when it happened? Was I lucky all my livestock is alive?

  2. canyousee's Avatar
    Went from Mr lucky to water squirting out of your tank,this hobby sure has some real highs and lows. Like every one has said just gut sick over your new tank already leaking just so hard to believe,good luck.
  3. melev's Avatar
    I hope to have some good news to share soon.
  4. melev's Avatar
    I have a little news. It turns out the manufacturer attempted to contact me via email to a dead address:

    Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2012 1:28 PM
    To: Marc Levenson
    Subject: RE: Marc's tank
    Hi Marc,

    I got a stomach ache when I saw that picture. After all that was put into that tank, both to design and build and set up on your end, and then this....
    We've been on the phone today trying to decide what the best approach is, but so far I'm getting a good feeling about reaching a resolution.
  5. newoldandy's Avatar
    Marc, I have been following your builds and hated seeing this post. Must be a terrible feeling but am impressed with the way you seem to be handling it. Keep us updated.
  6. edandsandy's Avatar
    any updates?
  7. brotherd's Avatar
    Really looking at the pictures I would hazard a guess that the acryllic panel was forced into place and sealed after the tank was assembled thus pre stressing the silicone seams at that end of the tank. The bowing and fracture lines look obvious to me. i'm not an engineer and i know that doesn't help you Marc but i think the builder should be on the hook for this no two ways about it.
  8. brotherd's Avatar
    Wtf? I'm headed to bed man. My day was bad but this is beyond my scope.I'm looking at my brand new but as yet empty 180 and I'm staring at those seams and saying "hmmm..." I wish there was some way I could help you Marc. The only plus i can think of is at least you were home to catch it.Damn...
  9. melev's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by jlemoine2
    Is it possible the weight of the drain pipes is pulling downward on the external overflow box, causing it to separate? How are the drain pipes supported when they route under the stand?

    On your other pic showing the leak, the drain pipes appear to be closer to the tank at the bottom than they do at the top where connected to the overflow box. I don't have any personal experience with overflow boxes, so I'm not sure how rugged they might be in this regard.
    The overflow box itself isn't loose, it is still firmly glued to the tank and looks perfect. That is why I couldn't really understand where the leak was coming from, but it was obvious that it lost its integrity because the tank was drained down but the leak continued slowly until the overflow section was completely empty.

    I've done my best not to tug or put pressure on the overflow, even when siphoning water out of it for the QT. I didn't lean my arm on it as I held the tubing because you just never know.

    It has a glass strip glued beneath the overflow horizontally across the full width of the tank to help support it.
  10. adam's Avatar
    I am so sorry. You've done everything right. I can't believe this happened
  11. adam's Avatar
    I am so sorry. You've done everything right. I can't believe this happened
  12. Midnight's Avatar
    I didn't know that the angels were causing problems?
  13. Jnarowe's Avatar
    Wow Marc, so sorry to hear you are dealing with this. It's always my suspicion that silicone is a fickle sealant and on large projects there are so many elements that can affect its performance. One thing you can do as a temporary fix is use Splash Zone which can be found online and at any decent marine store. It adheres to anything, cures under water, and is made for a salt water environment. Obviously this failure will mean the tank will have to be dismantled, but this epoxy will give you more time. I would also strap the entire tank to keep the hole from growing. Marineland may have better suggestions of course, but from my experience, that's what I would do. Once again, sumps in the living room!
  14. DJ in WV's Avatar
    Marc that just makes me sick, I wish you the best of luck getting this ironed out
  15. delta's Avatar
    Seam looks compromised that is for sure. Something is not right with that silicone seam, now the water is in the seam you can see what a poor job they did during construction. The way the seam bubbled leads me to believe the silicone didn't cure properly.

    The white, is moisture in between the silicone. It is the same thing that happens to a coffee table when you put a hot cup on it and the moisture gets beneath the finish.
  16. jlemoine2's Avatar
    Is it possible the weight of the drain pipes is pulling downward on the external overflow box, causing it to separate? How are the drain pipes supported when they route under the stand?

    On your other pic showing the leak, the drain pipes appear to be closer to the tank at the bottom than they do at the top where connected to the overflow box. I don't have any personal experience with overflow boxes, so I'm not sure how rugged they might be in this regard.
  17. blennyman's Avatar
    Yeah - ideally they would either bless the design or make you sign a waiver. Regardless, the cost of the tank is really a small fraction of the actual cost you'll pay to remedy the situation (blood, sweat, tears). On a lighter note, if you send me some of your refugee coral, I promise to take pictures for you every once in a while!
  18. twomonsters's Avatar
    Sorry to hear this!
  19. Workaholic's Avatar
    @matt: Even with the printed design being sent out prior to it being built, its a design hey approved and signed off on. Which in my mind still makes them liable to honor their warranty. Regardless of all that though I would think just for publicity sake alone they should get on top of fixing the tank as this mishap going on with a meticulously maintained custom 400g that did nothing but show off their craftsmanship at a VERY young 13-14 months old has failed in this manner is a HUGE amount of negative publicity.
  20. melev's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Midnight
    Here is what happened though. The tank was probably cut and put together at 60-70 degrees and that acrylic is bowing because it is at 80 degrees and plastic is more susceptible to heat expansion. the acrylic really should just be stuck to the glass not made to be part of the end.
    I've not looked inside the overflow in a few months, but remember that I took that picture with the tank half empty. With the water pressure up to the teeth, the black acrylic would abut the glass evenly.

    I'm waiting to hear back from Marineland, they are aware of the situation. I just had a friend ask me what I'm feeling about the situation, and I'm simply rolling with the punches. These are issues beyond my control, and in the end they need to decide if they want to get involved or not.