Blog Comments

  1. Midnight's Avatar
    Yeah I have thought about getting one, but it would not be a 3g one. My phone bill is high enough with my wife and I both having smart phones. Though I have a feeling that I am going to the dark side in October and buying an Iphone to replace my Droid. I love the Idea of the droid, but it is still not the hardware or the packaging that the newer Iphone is. The thing I think I will miss the most is being directly linked to my Google account. Unless you are capable of syncing to a gmail and calendar account on the Iphone?
  2. melev's Avatar
    I've debated it heavily for months on end. Tonight was the night.
  3. Midnight's Avatar
    Sounds like you really had to qualify buying that thing!
  4. Bobby's Avatar
    Air Tran is having a sale and you can get round trip tickets to Des Moines for $208 from Atlanta.
  5. mhowe9's Avatar
    I will be car pooling there from MI ... looking forward to it.
  6. melev's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by drimo
    I won't be able to make it this year so I am counting on all of you to post a lot of pictures, video, and write-ups about what happens and what is displayed!
    Oh great, no pressure there.
  7. drimo's Avatar
    I won't be able to make it this year so I am counting on all of you to post a lot of pictures, video, and write-ups about what happens and what is displayed!
  8. melev's Avatar
    That's great. Now let's do something about your aiptasia problem, ransomed. Go to settings and upload a profile picture and a new avatar image.
  9. ransomed4ever's Avatar
    I'm lucky I don't have to fly. Got a 4 1/2 hour drive to my parents' just south of Des Moines, so I got a free place to stay too. Plus I can kill 2 birds with one stone, see family and go to MACNA.
  10. Jessy's Avatar
    Just booked my ticket to arrive Sept 8th! Spent $309 but it will be well worth it. I always always have fun at MACNA.
  11. Johnny C's Avatar
    "Macna Whore"... I like that.
  12. Jnarowe's Avatar
    Yeah, that share pic thing was annoying, but I really like a lot of the other plugins. It's a great site IMO.
  13. yankieman's Avatar
    Hi Marc my wife and I are attending and I look forward to hearing you speak ,,
  14. melev's Avatar
    I think I figured it out last night. When I checked on the area again, there were hundreds of Collonista snails in that same area. I'm guessing these are their babies. I would have thought they would place these right at the substrate or in the substrate instead of this exposed vertical surface.
  15. Scott Fellman's Avatar
    Snail eggs? Planular larvae?
  16. DJ in WV's Avatar
    Great shots Marc, tank is looking great
  17. DJ in WV's Avatar
    They are aiptasia, Get the blowtorch out
  18. melev's Avatar
    I am using a fan as indicated above. It got too cool a couple of nights because the timer didn't turn the fan back off as expected and I didn't notice until late into the night or the very next day.
  19. NightShade's Avatar
    You might try putting the fan/fans on a timer along with the lighting, Say have two fans and when the first and last metal halide lamps come on a fan kicks on as well. Will help to prevent the temp drops at night but keep the tank a bit cooler in the day.
  20. melev's Avatar
    I do have a Pearlberry, but it's all browned out and I didn't take a picture of it. I don't have high hopes for it.

    I shot with a Nikon D90 with the 105mm AF-S f2.8 macro lens. I left my tripod in Arkansas, so I had to shoot freehand. I pressed the lens against the tank's glass to keep it steady. ISO varied, but it varied from 200 to 560. The top down views were shot via photobox.

    All the images were offloaded into my PC and then cropped in Lightroom. I add a little black to every image because that usually makes them look better. Lightroom resizes them, adds the watermark, and then they were reopened in Photoshop 7 where I adjusted the levels of RGB to make them less hazy. The steps I use in Photoshop are explained on this page: