Blog Comments

  1. Hat39406's Avatar
    Wow Matt, looking great! Awesome growth too on everything. Them duncans has really multiplied. Keep up the good work!
  2. matt_longview's Avatar
    Thanks peppers,

    I'm a noob too. ;-) This is my first tank and it's only six months old (however, I moved the live rock and water from a 2 year established system 5 minutes up the road). From one noob to another... read LOTS and ask LOTS of questions! :-) Good luck!
  3. pepper'scove's Avatar
    Awesome, I really like the birdsnest coral. It's one of my favorite types of coral. I hope I can get some when I get my new 75 up and ready. I'm a noob so take it or leave it, but great job man!
  4. MonKei's Avatar
    Matt, tank is looking =) I really like your macro shots. I agree with Hat, definitely seeing some growth in there!
    Keep it up!
  5. matt_longview's Avatar
    Thanks Hat! I keep wondering if I've got good growth or not. This is my first tank so I've got nothing to compare against.
  6. Hat39406's Avatar
    Hey Matt, your tank is looking beautiful! The corals look like they are growing out nicely.
  7. MonKei's Avatar
    Thanks for the update, Matt. Looks good!
  8. matt_longview's Avatar
    Thanks guys. My pink milli hasn't put it's polyps out since the move but today they finally peeked through. I was getting worried about how high it was... maybe getting too much light? That LED fixture is approx light of a 250w MH, hung 6" above the water... What do you guys think? It's in very high flow also... most everything above that rock gets high flow.
  9. UncleJT's Avatar
    I love the big cave Matt, looks good.
  10. melev's Avatar
    Looking great, Matt.
  11. Jaxom's Avatar
    Wow, good job Matt! I like the rock work and the placement of your corals, good eye.
  12. matt_longview's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by cyano
    very nice tank, I can tell you right now I am jealous of your apparent selection at your lfs. keep the pics updates coming!
    Lol. I have a terrible selection at my local fish stores! The only items in my tank purchased from LFSs is the maxima clam and a green goby. Everything else has been given/traded for or ordered in from online ( Local fish forums are where it's at! :-)

    Thanks midnight. :-)
  13. Midnight's Avatar
    Very nice pictures, I love the color!
  14. cyano's Avatar
    very nice tank, I can tell you right now I am jealous of your apparent selection at your lfs. keep the pics updates coming!
  15. Hat39406's Avatar
    Thanks for the info! I thought that I could use them together because they do two different things. Just wanted to confirm it with ya since you did the research.
  16. matt_longview's Avatar
    There is no way for me to put a100% stamp on it reducing algae since I have had it in this setup since day 1. It does reduce phosphates though, and that alone has to help. I do have some algae in my system, but I consider my tank highly fed as I have a dendro that I feed daily and don't mind a little algae. If I wanted it perfect with no algae I could get it...but algae isn't such a bad thing in a manageable nano system. Removing algae is the same as cutting back chaeto in my eyes... removing harmful wastes from your water. This won't cause any problems being used with dosing products. It does not remove trace elements or 'buffer' pH... it only stabilizes it, keeps it from having a large swing.
  17. Hat39406's Avatar
    Nice writeup Matt! I was thinking of using this product. Matt, do you notice a reduction in the algae department? Also, I use B-Ionic two-part dosing; can I use this product too?
  18. matt_longview's Avatar
    Thanks again!
  19. melev's Avatar
    Nice job Matt. I promoted it to the front page.
  20. matt_longview's Avatar - mine is the 120w 14k fixture. I also have the 24 led moonlight.
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