Blog Comments

  1. DJ in WV's Avatar
    +1 looks close to this type flow may be hiding the end in the pic on your penductors
  2. melev's Avatar
    They look like hydroids to me. Rip some of it off and look at it under a magnifying glass, preferably in water. If there's a filterfeeder in it, it'll come out of the tip visibly.
  3. melev's Avatar
    You want PO4 at .03ppm - .25 is too high.
  4. jlemoine2's Avatar
    I agree with DJ. If you still want to run with the floss, just change it out more often, perhaps every few days. Leaving it in there for weeks at a time may or may not be the source of the problem, but it certainly is not helping.
  5. DJ in WV's Avatar
    I dont run floss but 2 weeks seems long for cleaning your intake filter material. I run socks and clean every 3 days. Food with fish meal includes ground bones which is a source of po4 and with changing every 2 weeks that might be where some is coming from
  6. OKREEF's Avatar
    Oh! one more thing. Light is getting to my sump since the clown clears a spot all the way to the glass bottom. Could this be a problem?
  7. Jessy's Avatar
    Kill it off. It's not so hard to see live rock again
  8. Midnight's Avatar
    BOIL IT most definately
  9. OKREEF's Avatar
    Update: My reef keeper elite already went down after one day. Came home to a blue screen and nothing was working. Updated firmware on all modules and the head unit and nothing. For whatever reason the ATO did get high but did not overflow luckily. Sent an email to tech support. Will let you know how it goes.
  10. melev's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by OKREEF
    Quick question: I was going to add a calcium supplement through my reef keeper and a lifter pump. Is this OK? How long should I run the timer?
    Just calcium? Or calcium & alkalinity?

    You need to know how much you'll dose daily. Now determine how long it takes for your lifter pump to move that much fluid. Set the timer to that specific number.

    This is an area that has been be observed very closely at first. I would do the testing with water, marking how much is in your test vial / beaker before and after each session to see how consistent it is. Once locked in, you can switch it to the real solutions, but again watch it like a hawk. People can get a little bit too reliant on this after a while, only to come home to a disaster on their hands because something went wrong.

    I used a digital timer and an Aqualifter to dose 15ml of Vodka into my tank daily. I never had more than 3 days worth in the vial to limit an overdose situation.
  11. Hat39406's Avatar
    Cool, awesome upgrades! Can't wait to see some pics.
  12. OKREEF's Avatar
    Ok new lights should be in tomorrow. Went with the evolutions from china. Also installed a reef keeper elite last night. The only thing it is running on it right now is the ATO. Will take pics later. Quick question: I was going to add a calcium supplement through my reef keeper and a lifter pump. Is this OK? How long should I run the timer?
  13. melev's Avatar
    That is red valonia, and as you see it grows out of control. You can remove some of them by hand, but a herd of emerald crabs will be needed to remove the last of these.

    Please remember to assign the matching category (under the editor window) before clicking Submit.
  14. melev's Avatar
    Reading the write up on MarineDepot regarding the 1w LEDs and how many you get versus how many I'm counting on that image they show, it doesn't match mathematically. I don't believe those are going to provide enough light, personally. I honestly don't know. Reefkoi sells the Evolution lighting that has become very popular. Different sizes, and different color spectrums with individual switches to switch from white to white/blue to all blue. Ecoxotic sells some nice stuff, as does AquaIllumination. And here's our DIY write up:
  15. NEReef's Avatar
    Dude i love the carboy! Reminds me of work, i get things from work all the time that i re-purpose for aquarium use. I use the 2 liter nalgene roller bottles for my phytoplankton growing set up; they work great! Leds are pretty sweet. I had the day off today and i pretty much spent it researching DIY led set ups all day. I ended up buying a 50W 20k LED array and driver off ebay for $60. Its probably cheap junk but Ive seen a couple in use and they look cool so I will see how it works out. There are a couple good articles on DIY LED setups on this site in the DIY section on the main page if your interested in going that route. Some one with more experience will have to chime in but I think if you run the LEDs without optics they have a pretty wide spread that might work for you that close to the water's surface. Just a thought.
  16. OKREEF's Avatar
    Here are the aquaticlife t5s I was looking at.

    Here are the LEDs. The main thing I like is the energy savings. But if they are too weak...

    Thank you soo much! I'm going to clean that Carboy right now. Should have my lifter pump Thursday. And start my topoff like yours.
  17. melev's Avatar
    Welcome to R.A!

    Carboy - looks like it might need a good cleaning with 1:10 bleach water solution. If you use RO/DI water and it measures 0 TDS, fill the carboy up and measure the water's TDS again. It could come back 0-1, or 10, or 50 or even 80. If the numbers are higher, it needs to be cleaned to avoid leaching stuff into the water.

    Lighting - Which fixture specifically (link?) are you considering? I've seen some that aren't very strong, better suited for planted tanks. We'll help you get the right one for your tank.

    Testing - Nice kits. Here's my full write up on water quality:

    ATO - you can use JBJ, or you can do what I did and use the Deluxe kit from Aquahub and an Aqualifter: