Blog Comments

  1. Paul B's Avatar
    I took a Video. But I should have shut off the pumps.

  2. Paul B's Avatar
    I built the thing mainly for this young skinny female mandarin. Up unitl now she has been afraid to go on top of it and would just suck up the shrimp around the edges but now she hangs out on top of it and sucks out dozens of shrimp. I need her to grow a little so she can mate.
  3. DJ in WV's Avatar
    That's a great Idea Paul
  4. Paul B's Avatar
    I replaced that small funnel at the top with this one. It was a small container of ink for a printer. I just removed the bottom and drilled a hole in the top.
  5. Paul B's Avatar
    I love those bluestripe pipefish. She is one of a breeding pair but I lost the male. They only live a few years.
  6. FinishingLast's Avatar
    That's what I figured, but I didn't see a syringe or anything at the top for pushing the water through, but that's what I figured on. I love the pipefish in your reef tank as that's perfect for it.
  7. Paul B's Avatar
    When I shoot the shrimp along with water into the tube, the shrimp end up in the feeding station. There is no swimming involved. Don't forget, there is a screen on top of the thing so the water comes out but most of the shrimp stay in there
  8. FinishingLast's Avatar
    Okay. I want one of these. You should definitely sell them. How well does the brine make its way to the feeding station? Obviously gravity doesn't really work once it reaches the water level so I'm assuming it relies on them swimming down. This would be great to gutload baby brine for finicky bottom feeders like mandarins and the like. Very impressed with the design.
  9. Paul B's Avatar
    Randy gave me an Idea and suggested that it "may" be the iron that is attracting the algae to the cement. It could be another chemical in cement but I will try iron first.
    I made a slab of cement about 6 square inches and I ground up some nails with a grinder into the surface of the wet cement. I will let it cure for a week then put it in my algae trough. The trough is there to grow algae anyway and I want to see if I can enhance that ability with iron filings.
    I want as much algae growing in the trough as can fit.
    I love this stuff.
  10. Paul B's Avatar
    Melev, this particular stuff does not seem to grow any more than it already grew and I kind of like it. But I am really excited that it only grows on cement rocks and not real rocks. I am experimenting to find out why. I also want to find out if cement will help with growing other forms of life. I love it when something out of the ordinary happens so I can test different things.
  11. melev's Avatar
    That red valonia stuff can be excessive. I've seen a tank inundated with the same species, but eventually it died off (ebb and flow type of deal).

    My frag tank is overgrown with green valonia, so much so that I feel like taking the corals out and cleaning out as much as I can manually. I've added emerald crabs but it hasn't helped even slow it down.
  12. Paul B's Avatar
    Thanks guys
  13. snorkeler's Avatar
    truly amazing, very inspirational!

  14. skidrow52's Avatar
    wow !!!!! !!
  15. Paul B's Avatar
    It is old, but so am I
  16. baker.shawn's Avatar
    that sure is old!
  17. Hat39406's Avatar
    Congrats Paul! It is truly an amazing accomplishment.
  18. Paul B's Avatar
    No leaks yet. But this glass is only 35 years old. I started the tank in another tank and transfered everything including the water to a larger tank after five years.

    Do they not have recycling centers where your from :P
    Some of us recycle differently

  19. steve8855's Avatar
    wow im amazed the the silicon on your tank hasent started to leak from what ive read at about 10 years or soo it seems alot of people start to get leaks in there tanks.

    mine tanks onlly a year old only 39 years to go!!!!
  20. DJ in WV's Avatar
    Still in amazement every time I see it, 40 years is a definite milestone for everyone else to shoot for Paul. Do they not have recycling centers where your from :P
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