Blog Comments

  1. gnoles's Avatar
    I don't know how good of an idea it was, but I took a wire brush to a coraline encrusted rock that I bought at a LFS. Now it's spreading everywhere, good and bad.
  2. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Looks great Jess, the multiple baffles are just to catch micro bubbles off your skimmer. If you skimmer doesn't put out a lot of bubbles then a single baffle would probably be all you need. Heck, you may not need any if you're not using it for a fuge.

    I went with an Eshopps overflow box instead of the CPR, it uses a U-tube for the siphon instead of the wide box. This way the flow is fast enought that bubbles go right through and don't get stuck at the top. No need for an aqualifter pump. Life Reef makes a similar one that's a lot more rugged looking, but a lot more expensive too.
  3. Jessy's Avatar
    New picture posted. I was also told to make the return section as big as possible. Do you think I can get away with one less baffle to help the size of the return section to be 'that' much bigger?
  4. dahenley's Avatar
    i would switch the skimmer and the filtersocks...
    that way water flows cross ways. if you put the sock in the middle, then the right side wont get dirrectional flow.
    also, by putting the skimmer next to the baffle section, you can run the exhaust of the skimmer toward or in the baffles. that way the skimmer never re-skims clean water... its always pulling dirty water and skimming at peak performance.
    my opinion.

    a media tray would be nice, but you can also throw a bag of carbon in the filtersock (seen it done, but never tried it myself.) but putting it in the bubble section will prevent if from getting clogged with detritus and stuff.
  5. stangchris's Avatar
    you could move first baffle back a lil more to have a media tray out of eggcrate to throw bags of stuff on, do you plan on running fuge, or bio pellets. is your static area water line high enough for the skimmer.
  6. Jessy's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Turbosek
    I used a masonry drill bit and it worked like a charm. I have a question. My tank has been up for 6 months now. I started with 40 pounds of my own live rock that was fully cured with coraline, and 40 pounds of dry rock. I have 3 400W MH that are set to run in 6 hours cycles spaced over a 9 hour period. I am still not seeing any coraline growth on the dry rock, but it is completely covering my existing rock. I have tons of flow from 2 MP40s, and I have 440 calcium readings thanks to my calc reactor. Am I doing something wrong?
    You can take small chips of the purple rock and stick it in crevasses of the base rock. It'll help spread the purple faster.
  7. Heathd's Avatar
    What are your other water parameters, including phosphates? I know algae will make it hard for coraline to attach, and phosphates inhibit coraline growth.

    Or it could be light shock, and may just need time to adjust.
  8. Turbosek's Avatar
    I used a masonry drill bit and it worked like a charm. I have a question. My tank has been up for 6 months now. I started with 40 pounds of my own live rock that was fully cured with coraline, and 40 pounds of dry rock. I have 3 400W MH that are set to run in 6 hours cycles spaced over a 9 hour period. I am still not seeing any coraline growth on the dry rock, but it is completely covering my existing rock. I have tons of flow from 2 MP40s, and I have 440 calcium readings thanks to my calc reactor. Am I doing something wrong?
  9. Fat starfish's Avatar
    Cool, interested to see how long it will take to cure?
  10. Jessy's Avatar
    I picked up the drill for the acrylic rod tonight from a friend... Jessy with power tools in the afternoon tomorrow WOOOHOO
  11. Blown76mav's Avatar
    Sweet progress is a coming.....
  12. cruelle's Avatar
    very cool...can't wait to see what you come up with
  13. michika's Avatar
    Sexy, very sexy!
  14. Heathd's Avatar
    Good stuff. He has great customer service, and some nice DIY articles on his site. Im sure youll spend countless hours configuring your rock pile(s)
  15. stangchris's Avatar
    very nice, its so much fun to start from a scratch. glad to see your tank is coming along
  16. michika's Avatar
    I've never received anything.
  17. washingtond's Avatar
    No email so far.
  18. upster's Avatar
    I rec'd one
  19. Jaxom's Avatar
    I received one
  20. Tumbleweed's Avatar
    I got 2 but I signed up in January.
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