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  1. Another question for the RO pros!

    My incoming TDS is high. Extremely high. 750+ high. That being said my 4-stage does a very good job of getting it down. Usually averaging less than 30, sometimes 20. Well below the 5% accepted return. That's great for drinking water, but 20-30 TDS entering my DI is literally just exhausted a 10" BRS "Nuclear Grade" resin refill within 200 gallons. I am running this filter array:
    5 Micron Purtrex sediment filter
    5 Micron Matrikx+CTO/2
    Carbon Block
    1 Micron
  2. New frag tank setup

    Since my shallow 60g is on eternal hold, I decided I needed to change things up somewhere. My current growout system is a very traditional setup- 40 breeder tank consisting of racks of eggcrate for the frags, draining into a very basic sump housing the skimmer and heater. Internal return pump and feed pump for the GAC/GFO reactor. A separate 10g tank holding top-off water to be added to the sump controlled by a level sensor. Nothing special. Not that I haven't had decent results with it, but I've ...
    Tank - Full Summary
  3. New CAD Lights LED setup

    I decided to treat myself for my birthday. At MAX a few weeks ago, CAD Lights ( was displaying their new multichip LED fixtures. Reef Builders blog covered them here:
    After talking to Eddie from Cad Lights about them, I decided to go with the middle model, the 50w multichip (62 total watts) to replace my 250 halide over my frag tank. The claim is the 50w replaces a 250w halide, the 100w replaces a 400w. By the ...
  4. Thoughts and prayers for our DFW area brethren!

    Here's to hoping Marc and the rest our reefing brethren, and of course every one else in the DFW area are ok, and get through this horrible situation quickly.
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